The concentration of resources has brought about very obvious results.

The members of the infantry squad are all meritorious soldiers or officers.

After this long-term training, a new infantry regiment was built directly with them as the skeleton.

In this world, there is probably no one who knows firearms better than them.

They personally experienced several iterations of rifles and even received basic tactical education, the operation and tactical use of artillery.

Although many of them are unverified guesses, it does not prevent them from becoming the first batch of new officers of this era.

Of course, cultural education and ideological education are indispensable.

A small number of noble officers and a large number of civilian officers are definitely the Duke's die-hard supporters.

When the new infantry regiment was ready to be established, they were first given a complete barracks.

The next day, new recruits who had undergone simple training reported in one after another.

Supplies such as military uniforms and food were also sufficient.

The entire infantry regiment has not yet appointed a military chief, and each of them is a platoon leader and started a new military career.

The recruit platoon has added enough manpower and then started basic training.

Of course, judging from the three-three military system, this infantry regiment is seriously oversized.

However, there is no fixed system at the moment, and it is just groping forward.

Sharif worked very hard, and he knew that he could not avoid the influence of his identity.

Other officers did not know, but he knew in his heart that his future would not be bad.

But at least, he had to be worthy of his future position.

Every day, crackling gunshots could be heard in the barracks of the new infantry regiment.

In the short interval of peace, the entire Northern Principality was accumulating strength.

The replenishment of the old army has begun to slow down. While others are still hesitating, the Northern Principality has begun to change direction.


In the New World, the construction of colonies is becoming more and more perfect.

The silver mine has recently expanded to a bottleneck period, which is also expected. After all, no mineral vein can grow indefinitely.

Blake did not have many ideas. It was a great achievement to keep this source of wealth steadily.

However, the newly established colonial town nearby made his boring life more interesting.

The officer named Zorro is very capable.

He didn't know Rogge's previous identity, but he felt something was not harmonious.

But smart people wouldn't ask questions. As long as the duke sent him, even if he was a dog, what did it matter?

All the civilians and criminals who came with Lawrence's fleet were accepted by Rogge.

He built a colonial town along the river.

The land was reclaimed and food was supplied by official power.

Every civilian could get five acres of cultivated land per head, which was well reclaimed.

Even criminals could get a certain amount of amnesty and live a semi-free life under the care of the army. Once they made merit or served their sentences, they could enjoy the right to immigrate.

The army he brought became the largest armed force in the vicinity, and he even found some suitable young people from the immigrants to form a town security team.

With population and civilization, there was finally one more place nearby.

Black liked to come here for a drink and enjoy the taste of his hometown.

But on this day, he had just had a few drinks when his pleasure of drinking alone was interrupted.

A person sat opposite him.

You know, the identity of the silver mine manager is one of the two highest-ranking people in the vicinity.

He was drinking here, and no one dared to disturb him.

But when he looked up, it was Zorro's dead face.

"General Zorro, come and have a drink with me?"

Rogge used the alias Zorro, naturally for the safety of his family. Even when he was overseas, he rarely interacted with other people.

To the outside world, he had a cold face most of the time.

But today, he couldn't control his emotions.

He threw out a large piece of ore without saying a word.

The yellow ore was a bit dim, and Black was a bit drunk, and he was stunned for a few seconds.


He quickly sobered up. After being a mine manager for so long, he had some basic common sense.

"Negative gold, did you find a gold mine?"

He shouted in a low voice to avoid being heard, but when he looked around, he didn't know when the tavern was cleared.

With Rogge's caution, of course there would be no hidden dangers.

"I have sent people to check it out. It is confirmed that it is a gold mine. Gold sand can be washed out from the river."

Brack's face changed again and again. No one can resist the charm of gold. For a moment, he even wanted to join Rogge to embezzle the gold mine.

But thinking of the traitors who were hanged, his family in the principality, and the goods he brought back every time, he calmed down.

No matter how good the gold is, you have to live to enjoy it.

What can you do with gold in a place like the New World?

The best wine is here, and the best food can be eaten every day.

Thinking of this, the charm of gold doesn't seem to be that great.

Rogge has been observing Black's expression. He can be sure that the other party was moved for a moment.

But soon, like the boredom after the matter was over, Black resisted the temptation.

From what he has seen and heard in the past few months, the loyalty of the duke's subordinates is really unmatched.

If it were King Arthur... or even the dead Louis II, when his subordinates discovered the gold mine, their first reaction would definitely be to take it all for themselves.

"I need to confirm it as soon as possible and then report it to the Duke."

Brack regained his sanity and made a quick choice.

"My people can provide protection." Rogge also responded quickly.

The gold mine was originally discovered by him, and he had no intention of monopolizing it.

Although he was a glorious general, the soldiers around him were all loyal to the Duke.

If he dared to do anything against the Duke's interests today, he would be tied up that night.

Blake did not reject Rogge's kindness, and of course he would send armed forces to protect the gold mine.

The two quickly discussed and decided to send an advance team to establish a temporary camp.

Miners, of course, are black slaves.

Those black slaves appointed as supervisors are the best labor.

Soon, the black slave supervisor Abraham received an order. He was promoted again for his excellent performance and would take some black slaves to the new mine.

There were also a large number of armed personnel and troops accompanying him.

The advance team was very efficient, and Blake personally went into battle and soon arrived at the destination.

Coincidentally, Supervisor Abraham was very familiar with this place.

His tribe was nearby before.

Soon, this news was known to Blake.

The slave supervisor was called to Brack.

"I heard that your tribe lived nearby before?" Brack asked.

"Yes, I am familiar with this place. There is no silver mine nearby." Abraham bent over and answered humbly.

This was a pleasant surprise. Although the black slave in front of him spoke a little awkwardly, he could still communicate.

He took out the nugget and said, "I am looking for a gold mine. Have you seen it?"

Abraham suddenly opened his eyes wide. He had seen this thing before.

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