"There are a lot of these stones around here, and in the river too."

Abraham replied that he was even afraid that the other party would not believe it, so he danced and said: "Our tribe has these things, I will show you."

His tribe has been abandoned for a long time. Since this yellow stone has no use, it will naturally not be carried by anyone.

So much so that gold has been missed for such a long time.

For Abraham, it was a very cost-effective thing to exchange a stone for the master's appreciation.

Brak did not trust Abraham too much. No matter how submissive these black slaves were, it would be difficult to gain his absolute trust.

After all, black slaves are only so docile because they cannot defeat themselves.

He had often heard and even seen the fate of lone people meeting the fate of black slaves.

Being killed is a minor matter, being eaten is a routine operation, and even worse experiences can make people tremble when told of them.

Civilization may not be acceptable to everyone, but barbarism is certainly unacceptable to everyone.

So with a glance from Brack, his men immediately escorted a group of black slaves to the front, looking for the nearby black slave tribe ruins.

Abraham was so excited that he didn't notice Brak's caution. He was now focused on making meritorious deeds.

"It would be great if the tribe hadn't migrated yet."

Abraham held on to some hope, but judging from the signs nearby, no one had been here for a long time.

When the tribe responded to the call to fight the Rock Man, all the young men were killed.

He knew the tribe's habits. The remaining old, weak, sick and disabled would definitely migrate and would never dare to stay where they were and wait for the enemy to come.

Sure enough, when we arrived at the tribal camp, it was empty without a soul.

The dilapidated thatched house had lost its maintenance and had partially collapsed.

Weeds have grown all over the campground and will probably disappear in a year or two.

In this scene, it is obviously unlikely that there is an ambush.

The leader of the team did not relax his vigilance and sent people into the camp to search around. After confirming that there was no black slave, he drove his black slaves into the camp.

"Find me the gold, Lord Brak will not be stingy with the reward."

Abraham was the most active. He rushed directly to the pit next to him and dragged out a huge stone from the corner.

Golden minerals dot the stones, making the smelly stepping stones less disgusting.

"There are many such stones, all washed down from the river. We use them to cushion the corners. They are very useful."

Abraham raised it with difficulty and looked at Megaman flatteringly.

The leader seemed to still be able to smell the stench seeping into the stone. He fanned it with his hands and felt a little better. He checked carefully and found that it was indeed gold ore.

It's just that these black slaves used gold to pad the toilet, which is simply outrageous.

"Abraham, you have made meritorious service, and I will definitely reward you well."

"I know where these stones came from. There are caves in the upper reaches of the river, and there are such stones in them." Abraham continued.

After receiving the news, Brak quickly sent people to search upstream, and sure enough, a large amount of gold ore was found.

This expensive metal, of course, needs to be developed.

He immediately mobilized manpower to mine nearby, and then stepped up efforts to capture black slaves. Black traitors like Abraham helped the tiger, enslaving tribesmen to mine for the great Duke Leopold.

Far away in Plan City, Derek still didn't know that his men had done another big thing.

Recently, the value of silver coins in Old Road has dropped slightly, and the exchange rate with gold has dropped to 1:18 in some areas.

This was caused by the influx of a large amount of New World silver coins. Through the currency, the Northern Principality plundered a large amount of materials.

But for a country, the most important thing is the army.

Without a strong army, they are just cattle and sheep to be slaughtered. No matter how much money someone has, it is useless.

The military camp outside Pulan City has been alerted in advance today.

The guards have checked it inside and out several times to make sure there is nothing missing.

The Augusta Knights sent people to warn in advance, and a large number of positions were replaced.

But no one felt offended, even if their movements were restricted in their own barracks.

Because the great Duke Leopold will come to inspect today.

The new infantry regiment has been assembled. The new recruits mixed with the officers stood neatly on the playground.

At nine o'clock in the morning, the Duke's carriage drove into the military camp.

Sharif stood at the front, head held high, and greeted his brother with the most energetic appearance.

He received a knight's education since he was a child, and after he grew up, he spent two years in the army. Finally, he was selected to join the new infantry officer training class, and finally ended up here.

In terms of qualifications, he is already better than 99% of people, and his morale is not lower than anyone else.

It is impossible to surpass the third brother Derek, but he cannot go out and be called a tiger brother.

Thanks to the strict aristocratic education he received since childhood, he did not fall in power.

On the contrary, during the training sessions he was always on top of everything and never fell behind.

With an excellent educational foundation, coupled with the influence of people who occasionally made small suggestions, and even his brother's subtle influence, he was also the best in the officer training class.

Derek's carriage passed by and happened to see Sharif.

The elder brother's emotions were always reserved and he just looked at him calmly.

The Duchess, on the other hand, saw her husband's brother and waved a handkerchief in greeting.

Of course, no one thought that the Duchess was greeting the little infantry officer.

After the carriage passed, Tiona turned back and said to her husband: "Little Sharif looks very heroic. I wonder if he has a girl he likes. Otherwise, how about finding him a suitable one from my mother's family?"

The brothers of the Ferreira family seem to be good-for-nothing.

The younger brother-in-law Sharif now looks very heroic and heroic.

And having a good brother can help him avoid many detours in the future.

His character, ability and background are all excellent. If he had not been in the military camp all year round, he would have been targeted by others.

Tiona also has to consider herself and her son. Kinship can undoubtedly deepen the connection between each other, and her son will have an extra helper in the future.

Women from noble families always think more and longer-term.

If it were a girl from a small family, she would never think about getting married.

"If there is a suitable one, you can look for him." Derek did not object. It would be good for his brother to find a good girl. He believed that his wife would not mess around.

As he spoke, the carriage had stopped, and the Duke and Duchess got off the carriage one after another.

A large number of officers surrounded the two men. Today was a special day.

The new infantry, which had been trained for a long time, was finally officially established.

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