Bang bang bang! ! !

The black-smoking steel monster drove past the knights.

"This is the train??"

Virut looked at the train curiously and even chased it for a while on horseback.

Although he hasn't been back for more than a year, he knows everything that happens in the principality.

But what was written on the letter was very different from what I saw with my own eyes.

If we only talk about short-distance explosive power, the war horse can still throw the train far away.

But compared to durability, it's far behind.

The train from Plancheng to Swansea Castle runs back and forth several times a day. It can not only carry people, but also transport goods, saving a lot of costs.

For Virut, it seemed that he had become a country bumpkin after not coming back for a year, and everything seemed to have changed.

This suddenly gave him a sense of urgency in his heart, and he stayed away from the Duke, so as not to be replaced by the rising star.

Thinking of this, he hurried on and didn't want to wait any longer.

By the time we arrived at Swan Castle, it was already dark.

The First Guards Infantry Regiment, which was responsible for peripheral tasks, intercepted them. After identifying themselves, they were allowed to enter the Neuschwanstein Castle.

But the moment he saw the Duke, Virut felt relieved.

"Long time no see, Virut."

Derek stepped forward and gave him a hug.

It seemed like I was back to the moment when I was applying medicine to myself in the tent three years ago.

Some things will be remembered for a lifetime.

There was no need to do the dirty work, but Virut still chose to do it. Is it really because of the benefits?

He knew how much emotional factors there were.

Therefore, after sitting on the bench for more than a year, Derek knew how much risk he had taken.

Derek knows better than anyone who is his teammate.

Pulling the excited Virut, the group went directly to the restaurant.

"I guessed that you might have come back all night, and I kept the rice for you. Let me have a bowl of broth. The heat is just right."

Derek guessed Virut's impatience, so he made preparations in advance.

Anyway, it only lasts for one meal, so it doesn’t matter if you guess wrong.

He personally scooped a bowl of broth for Virut, and the hot mist rose, making Virute's eyes moist.

Holding the bowl, he took a sip and a large piece of meat entered his mouth along with the soup.

Virut raised his head, chewed a few times, choked and said: "Duke, you lied to me, the meat is obviously stewed, but it is not just right."

"Hahaha!!" Derek laughed and took a big spoonful for each of the other knights: "You just framed it out of thin air. If the meat is rotten, you can say that I am not good at my craftsmanship, but you can't say that it is overcooked."

The relationship was stewed by the Duke himself, and Virut and the knights felt warm in their hearts, which coincided with the heat in their stomachs, making them feel comfortable all over.

A bowl of broth makes everyone feel that sitting on the bench for more than a year is worth it.

Such a monarch, which knight would not want to serve him?

Even if you risk your life, it's worth it.

"I feel like eating some meat. I didn't bake these, so you can eat them without worry." Derek invited everyone to eat together.

They are all old brothers who have been together since we were young. There is no need to worry about etiquette and appearance, just eat and drink.

Even the drinks were enough. Although there was plenty of heating in the castle, my body was still stiff after being frozen outside for several days, so it was just warm.

Virut had a mouthful of rotten meat and a mouthful of wine. It was quite interesting that the Duke had time to stew a pot of broth. It would be unbelievable to say that he cooked such a big table dish.

To be honest, it feels really good, and the alienation caused by time disappears all of a sudden.

He doesn't talk nonsense, he eats and drinks to his heart's content, and what stands out is his naturalness.

Finally, he slumped in the chair without any image, and Virut asked directly and carelessly: "Duke, what do you want me to do when you come back this time? Do you want to kill that bastard Arthur, or beat up the King of Holy Cross?"

He felt full of courage now and was not afraid of anyone.

"I really need someone to come back and take charge," Derek said openly without hiding his plans: "Starting next year, the replenishment of the old army will completely stop, and the new infantry formation will completely replace the old army. I plan to complete this task in one to two years.

The 1st Guards Brigade has proven its combat effectiveness and can fight.

Therefore, a higher-level military establishment will be formed after the New Year.

You are responsible for forming the First Infantry Division of the Principality, tentatively designated as four brigades and two regiments, with a total of 18,000 troops.

Then based on this, gradually expand the scale.


Derek had a perfect plan to mobilize Virut back, just in time to suppress some objections and prevent accidents.

After all, the old guard in the military is also loyal to itself.

Those who can be transformed can be transformed, and those who cannot be transformed can also be arranged. There is no need for bloody conflicts to break out.

No matter how small the loss is, it is still the strength of the Northern Principality.

If you don't meet the requirements of the new military, retiring and becoming a local garrison officer or even a newly created police officer is also a way out.

Seeing Derek say this, Virut misunderstood.

He immediately sat upright with murderous intent: "Someone wants to rebel?"

Transferring himself back to take charge is a sensitive issue like military restructuring, so you can't blame him for overthinking it.

"What are you thinking about? If you can't even control the army, I, the Duke, can be left to you." Derek said angrily: "Brothers, I fought with you out of the sea of ​​blood. It's hard to have a stable life today. I Don't want them to do stupid things.

You know many brothers well. If they are stubborn, they will easily end up in a dead end, whether they are taken advantage of by others or they just can't think straight.

Now that you are back, please keep an eye on them for me. If there are any offenders, please let them go and catch the instigators. "

Derrick is still humane and did not force the new army regardless of the consequences.

This is even more touching.

Virut breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't want to see his old comrades pointing knives at each other.

"Stay here tonight. Be my bodyguard tomorrow and start working after the New Year. "

Derrick made a new request.

This was also to protect Virut. If he showed him around more often, other nobles would naturally understand the Duke's attitude.

On the other hand, it could also show that the Duke still trusted Virut.

That night, Virut had a good sleep.

The next day, he got up early and came to the Duke's side to serve as a personal guard.

Many of the inner guards on the left and right were his acquaintances, so this job was easy and comfortable.

The Duchess also knew Virut's specialness and said a few words to him.

Everything showed that nothing had changed.

In the afternoon, he received a new task to go to Plan City to receive members of the Ferreira family.

The New Year... is coming, and the relatives should come one after another.

Virut just took office and started working immediately. It must be said that capitalists are not so cruel.

Sitting on the train he had been thinking about, the luxurious carriage specially prepared for the Duke and his wife made Virut amazed.

"Is this moving the castle into the carriage? "

He knocked on the carriage and it was hard.

It was safe and comfortable, really good.

If he hadn't had a reception mission this time, he wouldn't have been qualified to sit in a carriage of this level alone.

But the novel experience still left a deep impression on him.

When he arrived in Plan City, the Ferreira family hadn't arrived yet.

Virut took the time to visit a circle of old acquaintances, including some of his former subordinates.

That day, the news of Virut's return spread throughout the aristocratic circle.

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