Humanity is a very subtle thing.

For example, when Virut came back and wandered around like this, he didn't seem to say anything, but everyone understood.

Sometimes, the Duke actually made his attitude clear before he spoke.

At this time, if you have any opinions, you should keep them to yourself.

If you can't hold it in, you can jump out and wait for punishment.

The nobles are smooth, but they are not lacking in bloodiness, especially the nobles of the North.

But the popularity of the Garcia one is willing to stand up for them.

The grievances of the nobles were simply due to Virut breaking the tacit understanding established by the agreement.

But under power, this resentment is nothing.

On the contrary, there are many people who support Virut.

Especially the new nobles were grateful to him for being the first person to promote the establishment of the principality.

After the establishment of the Northern Principality, the new nobles were not only justified, but also reaped benefits from all aspects.

Therefore, the expected cold reception did not appear, but a group of people invited Virut to the banquet.

If not for the mission, Virut would have participated.

But now, nothing is more important than helping the Duke pick up his family.

This kind of private task is precisely the expression of intimacy.

It is another kind of compensation for Virut. Others can understand the Duke's thoughts at a glance.

Virut waited for a day before he received his first important guest.

"Baron Ferreira, nice to see you again."

Virut's attitude was humble and he did not feel that the title of baron was too small at all.

It is also a legendary event that a son became a duke of a country. Many people did not know what to call Baron Ferreira when they saw him.

However... what belongs to the son belongs to the son, and what belongs to the father belongs to the father. As the third son without inheritance rights, there is no need to upgrade the title of the Ferreira family.

Baron Ferreira is very open-minded in this regard. If the eldest brother, Marco, has such a duke brother and cannot earn a share of the family business by himself, then he should honestly keep the title passed down by the family, at least he will not cause trouble.

What you have the ability to hold on to is yours.

If virtue is not matched, it will only bring disaster.

This time, Baron Ferreira took care of the family affairs and simply came with the eldest family in advance.

Anyway, none of the surrounding nobles are tired of causing trouble for themselves. Even thieves have to go around the Ferreira family's territory. What else can be done?

After nearly two years, he saw Virut again, but he didn't show any expression to him.

The last time, Virut was used as a shield, but the final result was that the third child profited.

Baron Ferreira figured it out after thinking about it for a while.

So he smiled and asked: "We haven't seen each other for a long time. When did you come back from Yanle Mountain?"

"I just came back the day before yesterday." Virut led the way for Baron Ferreira, and the two of them chatted as they walked.

"I'll pick you up today when you came back the day before yesterday, please."

"It's my pleasure."

"Did Derek tell you where to go?"

"I don't know yet. It depends on the Duke's arrangements."

Virut said truthfully what he should say, and he didn't say a word about what he shouldn't.

After all, he was loyal to the Duke, not his father.

The respect for Baron Ferreira is also due to the Duke.

He had heard too much about the bullshit among the nobles, and there was no way he would give it to anyone.

"Please, Baron, Madam."

As he spoke, he had already entered the station, and the train was already waiting.

He didn't arrange to rest in Pulan City. The train was quite comfortable and the distance wasn't far.

The Ferreira family stood still in front of the huge train. The dark train looked like a crawling beast, which made people feel frightened when facing it.

Sir Marco was holding the child in his arms. The little guy who was noisy just now was quiet now and looked at the big guy in front of him with wide eyes.

The Baroness's face turned slightly pale. To be honest, it was the first time she saw such a big guy and she felt a little scared.

The low-level nobles may sound majestic, but in fact they are not much more knowledgeable.

The closed information flow in this world has naturally erected barriers, which is difficult for future generations to imagine.

"Is this a train?"

Baron Ferreira asked in a positive tone, which showed that he already had the answer in his heart.

"Yes, it's a train. To be honest, I've only taken it once, but it's quite comfortable. It's more convenient, faster and more comfortable than riding a carriage." Virut seemed to notice the embarrassment of some of the women, so he deliberately got on the train first and gave up. A little doubt in everyone's mind.

Baron Ferreira was brave enough to step into the carriage.

The thick iron plates under your feet give people a sense of security.

"This world... is really becoming more and more unfamiliar. If I hadn't seen the picture of the train from Northern Weekly, I might have thought it was a monster crawling out of the abyss."

The Baron's unscrupulous comments, and the courage he had developed during his military career in his youth, allowed him to comment on this new thing here without any restraint.

On the other hand, the Baroness' face became increasingly ugly, especially when she heard about the abyss and monsters, her eyebrows even knitted together.

"Okay, stop talking, let's get on the train quickly. I want to see my little grandson quickly." The Baroness gritted her teeth and got on the train.

The family finally got on the train one after another.

The decoration inside shocked the country bumpkins again.

Although the Ferreira family has made a lot of money in recent years due to Derek's relationship, it is not too luxurious.

For the baron, hiring a few more servants is a luxury.

For the baroness, buying a few more pieces of jewelry makes her happy for the whole year.

But now... the whole family can't see it all.

All kinds of exquisite silverware, as if they were free, from chairs to tables, from candlesticks to dishes, there is nothing that is not silver.

And I don't know how many skilled craftsmen were used, each piece of equipment is extremely luxurious, with a lot of cloud patterns and patterns carved on it.

Looking at the thick white fur under his feet, the baron can't tell what kind of fur it is with his eyesight.

And in the dishes, the snacks can only be said to be ordinary, but it's winter... where are the fresh fruits?

The fruit that the baron tastes most every winter is frozen pears, which taste... sweet.

But now, he reached out and picked up a grape, and couldn't help asking Virut: "Where did you get this?"

This really asked Virut's blind spot in knowledge, and he could only guess: "Was it shipped from overseas by clipper? I don't know the details."

The baron ate a grape and sat down with a dark face.

He felt that it was necessary to have a good talk with the third brother. Every king who was extravagant and lustful in history had a good ending.

The third brother's current posture was more exaggerated than those incompetent kings in history.

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