Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 651 99 Slaanesh Grand Stage!

Chapter 651 99. Slaanesh’s big stage!

Cold winter and grassland - disordered superposition - aliens - crazy tail-eating snake - concept backlash - self-entertainment person - madman, queen of desire, skin shed, lunatic, dancer who dances with fire - —

Break down that wall.

into a state of delusion.


Lord of desire.



Nine billion secret words condensed into strange light, streaking across the bird feathers - the keeper of secrets, the king in charge of destiny, the person who plays with time, the trader -

chess player.

The compassionate one weeps, the blood lord cuts off his arm, and the road to the supreme ladder is closed. One is cunning, the other is tyrannical; one is wise, and the other is prisoner——


The end will be decided.

+ You saw it - but actually you did not see the truth and reality - time is a plaything enclosed in a narrow box - and you are the cat. +

+me? I am a spectator. +

Cooperation turns into a fantasy, but you can still hold the reins, and your wild and ridiculous colleagues are the beasts you sit on, even if they don't know it.

Perhaps they are also happy to see this.

The newcomer is still young, playing with power to make him crazy and unable to see the future - but for rest out of the sight of the god, the god has awakened, and is as happy as drinking water, crazy as a rabbit.

The Lord of Changes will look away, and the curtain will become a plaything between reality and illusion. The young Ouroboros among them knows this best, and he is laughing happily.

And the chess player knows what the pieces want.

He looked towards the emperor.


The galaxy is shaking.

Some huge absurd existence is invading it. The pain makes the sun fall, and the stars boil and burn in the unbearable heat.


He is both entering it and being entered, but there is only one active party, the master of desire who is crazy and sinks into a slave of desire. He dominates it, just like the foreplay when He wakes up.

The ants shuddered in the chaotic flow of their peace. The huge joy made him not care about the minutiae. Their small screams became ridiculous, and no matter how huge the music was, it could not support the groan of the universe.

He tore it apart, and it tore Him apart.

Great things are always accompanied by long pain, and He needs to be patient. This is no longer the time for reality and dreams to reward you - He was a newborn that day, and newborns are always treated well by the world, but He is no longer .

So it resists you.

This made Him unhappy, He felt angry - the rain of stars falling from the sky comforted Him again, and He recalled the joy of that day - things always become more difficult, it is clear that this world is not a virgin, it is a bitch son.

Now this bitch is squeezing Him hard, using rules to squeeze Him out——

He just wants to have a one-night fling and pursue the true path of desire,

What did He do wrong?

But He succeeded in the end. He held its hand tightly and thrust it into His body. He enveloped the world and the world enveloped it - it was tiring, but it was all worth it.

Slaanesh laughed happily.

The ants cheered beneath Him.

The vacuum has turned into a medium between reality and emptiness, which is His authority. The world is no longer cold and empty. It is filled with some kind of hot and fanatical vanity.

The ants were thrown out of the shell they built by the last stubborn rules of the world. They should have died directly and turned into nothingness, but the warm home you built saved them, so they either screamed or moaned and fell drunk here. I'm crazy.

He felt happy and tired, but time was still flowing——

He hates time, He loves time. Among chess players, time is always disordered and chaotic, but now, it is still flowing well and heading further.

This means He doesn’t have much time.

Although the youngest queen is impatient, she knows what she wants.

He reached out eagerly towards it, the tiny creation of the ants, and saw that it had sunk deeply into the soft silk of desire, its spine was broken, and it no longer had the boring appearance it once had in the garden.

The stranded Endurance.

He stretched out his hand and pulled open the shell, like breaking open a chocolate ball with a melted core. The substance dripped down along with flames, screaming particles and blood.

He felt hungry and thirsty.

The Prince of Darkness stretched out his long tongue, and he licked the inside quickly. Time was running out, time was running out - he had already heard Elsa's pitiful cries, oh, God, she was still so attractive to him.

He felt hot in his belly, and billions of souls of the Eldar race were screaming in his belly, and he also screamed——

Where are you, Elsa?

He hurriedly stretched out his hand, and there was a feeble and insensitive touch between his fingers, which made him shudder as if in pain, but the seal loosened and Slaanesh smelled that wonderful scent.

He hurriedly stretched out his hand again - but suddenly the cold Milky Way told him that the boring guy was coming - he didn't like that guy, he was ugly, boring and stubborn - he knew why the fat man liked him.

He doesn't like him.

But he's already here.

[Dark Cloud] is simply synonymous with disappointment. Slaanesh turned his attention displeased. He thought of what he had been like before being captured into that body. Were these concepts so annoying to him?

Why did the big golden guy choose him?

Everything that was fanatical, crazy, and dreamlike was quickly cooling down. The carnival around the Prince of Darkness began to fade. The dream he rendered was broken, and Mortarion came in.

He can be said to be loyal to himself.

It wasn't like he was artificially shaped. The mist floated in, and the Lord of Desire watched in amusement as the mist wrapped up those ants first——

[Dark Cloud] was restrained and stereotyped by human teachings. If he wanted to, he could construct an identical ant at any time, but he still chose to waste his power instead of playing with Slaanesh.

The Prince of Darkness did not stop his movements. He stared at the [Dark Cloud] with interest. This may be another boring foreplay. His giant was still moving in the direction where Elsa was crying.

Maybe the foreplay with the fat man will be similar.

He thought with some boredom that the old excitement had faded, and even though the world was still screaming, he already felt dissatisfied.

Slaanesh touched that soft warmth.

Ah, Elsa.

The ends of the limbs began to wither, and white embers floated down. It was the power of the garden... Slaanesh thought... no... it was the [Cloud], the power of Mortarion.

Rebellious offspring.

He licked his lips, the seal had been peeled off, and he was poisoned by it, but that was not the point. Slaanesh withdrew his hand, leaving Elsa alone in the cage where the seal had been broken.

The river gushing out from the dark corridor was Elsa's tears.

Slaanesh twisted his waist, and he slowly straightened up. Unimaginable delicacy and beauty were revealed on his upright upper body. The male was thick, the female was soft, and the shimmering light shimmered between the scales. It was far better than the hometown of a newborn. Warmer.

There is no existence that can reject Him more, rejecting a perfect body. He is perfect, completely transcendent, perfect beyond time, reason, desire, culture, and race.

He is a Utopia that an individual can never imagine using his imagination alone.

Slaanesh sighed soothingly. He spread his arms to his heart's content, revealing himself to this boring little guy. The gauze and red skin were alternately hazy, and musk came out from every part of the skin. This is the land of gentleness, and this is the valley of masculinity. .

come on.

Although he is boring, boring and meaningless.

But He never refuses.

His sighs and gasps turn into heavenly music, and His smiles turn into beauties among the bushes. You should not reject Him, because He is never rejected.

Slaanesh gasped and caressed his cheek.

He knew that the gap between gods and mortal things was destined to be a deep and unreachable ravine.

He accepts to play with the real character before he arrives.

The Prince of Darkness was amused to see the white mist disappearing rapidly, but he was obviously taught well by humans. He came back again, gathering the mist into reality, and Mortarion still held his scythe absurdly tightly.

But he was obviously in a very embarrassed state.


Mortarion felt that his temperature was rising, and the insectoid respirator on his face was clicking. The toxicity had reached its maximum, and he could barely resist the pleasure coming from the lustful sky.

He would rather... go to Nurgle's garden and drink dung water again...

Mortarion realized that he had returned in too hasty, but he had no regrets. At least his early arrival had saved many lives.

Mortarion gasped, aware that Slaanesh was looking at him playfully, just like that time in the garden, when the corrupt guy spewed poisonous gas at him.


+I am sad about my child. +

The fat false god beside the crucible squeezed out seven tears, and he struggled to stand opposite him. Mortarion was very embarrassed - in fact, he was very embarrassed every time.

Whether it was the battle on the top of Mount Barbarus, the battle in the garden, or now...

But the embarrassment does not affect the battle.

He still had the strength to wield the sickle, and that was enough.


+Come on, come on~+

Mortarion took a deep breath and injected the maximum dose of black stone powder along with the potion. Due to the crisis, the patterns on the wings behind him began to change color, turning into alert bright red and bright orange.

But to the outside world, it was Death who began to stain the pink and purple color.

He blew a kiss to him cheerfully, come on, come on!

"Don't-don't go there!"

The god of death, who seemed to be confused, was stunned.

Oh~ What an unexpected little guy... Looking back lustfully, he gave Aisha a wink as she crawled out of the cage.

Elsa opened her mouth. Even though her eyes were nailed, the power of the gods had already penetrated everything and reached her soul. The Eldar Mother Goddess trembled and fell down. Slaanesh gave her a dream, perhaps with Her husband's, or maybe it's with Kane... Asuryan might as well.

The sky of desire turns around again, closer, closer——

He decided to touch Mortarion's respirator first, pull out his mouthparts, and then put it into the soft pipe, leading directly to the conceptual stomach, and then the pair of wings, ah... there is really no sense of beauty. If it were Him, He will give His porcelain doll a pair of beautiful bat wings.

He would grant him six hundred million times the senses. In fact, as Mortarion approached, every step brought the primarch a million times more pleasure and amplified senses.

If you want to get close to Nurgle, you need to endure corruption. If you want to get close to Slaanesh, you need to endure pleasure.

Desire happily listened to Mortarion's breathing becoming heavier and heavier. Even if he was not suitable, he would cherish him. After all...

Slaanesh licked his tongue. He accidentally broke his own doll~

He will stick his tongue between those wings, giving him endless perception, and every flight will become a challenge - Slaanesh opens his hand, Mortarion hears the crisp clanking sound, the hands on the false god's arms Ring opened countless details, watching him enveloped by the shadow of Slaanesh.

Mortarion sighed softly.

He felt the air flowing through his trachea, each strand was like a knife cutting, and his tongue seemed to be cut into thousands of strands by the air flow, but it was still intact in his mouth.

He heard the joy of countless people, and the breeze blowing on him was like the caress of millions of people. Lustful Heaven looked at him encouragingly, not with Nurgle's disappointed and desperate eyes.

In a trance, he seemed not to be on the battlefield, there was no death, no groaning, Mortarion was in the cornfield of Barbarus, the breeze was blowing, and the sun was shining.

This is a peaceful place.

Under the hood, in the shadows, the hazy green eyes were shining at this moment.


The Primarch's fingers loosened slightly, and the sickle in his hand fell down and no longer existed.

Mortarion was motionless, as if he was trembling slightly.

+Good boy~Good boy~+

The first one who couldn't help himself was Slaanesh. As expected of a tough kid, Lustful Heaven felt that he was aroused.

He never spared his praise, so he fixed his form, hugged him, blew flawless music into his hair, and stroked the tattered wings with six arms, ready to change--


Slaanesh opened his eyes suddenly.

His sight slowly went down, and he saw the psychic energy slowly flowing out of his abdomen. Lustful Heaven saw a familiar and unfamiliar existence, which was now firmly inserted into his own abdomen, and the corrupt power was eroding it through the wound.

[You should be very familiar with it,]

A faint breath sounded between Lustful Heaven's arms. Mortarion sounded very weak. In fact, he was also very weak. Not many beings could face the gods and remain intact.

But he could still fight, and that was enough.

[Do you know it, Prince of Darkness?]

Mortarion said, slowly loosening his hand. He felt every muscle in his body trembling, stimulated by the huge pleasure.

As he let go, this strange being revealed its full appearance, nine bird feathers, the bones of the Blood Lord, the teeth of the Corruptor -

Is it the arrow they shot at Hades at that time? ! ! ! !

Shrill! Deafening! ! The scream of rage burst out! ! ! Slaanesh screamed!

The stars began to fall, but He did not let go of the Primarch, his powerful muscles bulged layer by layer, and his snake tail twisted up, circle after circle, tightly grasping the Primarch!

It made people's teeth ache, and the sound of a sharp knife slicing through the cerebral cortex sounded from the heavy snake tails, click, click, the shell of this damn stink bug broke layer by layer!

Mortarion chuckled.

His senses magnified billions of times almost made him faint, lose his mind, and obey his instincts and desires - but he persisted, he was the most tenacious one.

Nurgle has not corrupted him for thousands of years. Does Slaanesh think that he can surrender by changing the stimulation?

Mortarion laughed loudly and wantonly - this may also be related to the desire being magnified by Slaanesh, but no matter what, the primarch laughed loudly and mockingly.

In the abdomen of Slaanesh, the arrow was still drilling deep into it. Lustful Sky wanted to pull it out angrily, but it was useless - there were three Chaos powers on it!

[I found it where Hades left! ]

Mortarion shouted loudly, he felt his skeleton was completely shattered, it was painful, very painful, and with a damn pleasure - but it doesn't matter, similar pain, he had tasted it in the garden for thousands of years.

He had already made absolute preparations!

[Nurgle's fangs, Khorne's blood and bones, Tzeentch's bird feathers - I think this is a good weapon! But other Chaos will react to the psychic energy on it - so I haven't used it! ]

Mortarion chuckled, although his laughter sounded like vomiting and was drowned in the entanglement of Slaanesh.

[Guess, who is it for? ! ]

The injured Lustful Sky screamed! He was so angry! Angry! He was seriously injured by a small mortal - He began to understand the fat man? ! How could this be? ! ! !

He had long been determined to destroy, but what surprised him was that Mortarion was easily imprisoned and seriously injured - but just - not - dead? ! ! !

Slaanesh drove his power angrily, and he imposed the most cruel senses and desires on the Primarch, making him sink between heaven and hell - why the damn him just couldn't die? ! !

Slaanesh opened his mouth, and his mouth was torn to an unimaginable degree. The scales on his abdomen began to fade. He was very uncomfortable, very uncomfortable, and he was continuing to decline!

He exposed the Primarch's head between the many snake tails, and he wanted to devour him! Just like he devoured the gods of the Eldar hundreds of thousands of years ago!

He leaned down -

"Wait -!!!!"

The heart-wrenching cry burst out from a corner of reality! ! ! The extra-dimensional space was torn open!


Hades shouted as the lightning dragon coiled around him, reaching out his hand towards Mortarion and Slaanesh.

At his waist, the hitchhiking Necron Trazyn was holding his waist tightly.

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