After leaving the banquet hall, Fang Yuan drove out of the hotel alone.

Originally, he could have stayed and pretended to be Bobby.

But in this seemingly high-end situation, he would hide as far as he could.

The so-called upper class circles are all hypocritical.

I don't want to fight with them if I want to live my whole life again.

I looked at the time, it was almost 9 o'clock.

He simply drove the car back to the driving school.

Just then, the boss came back from outside, drove a Volkswagen car, and greeted Fang Yuan: "Fang Yuan!! Let's go! Let's go have a midnight snack!"


Originally, Fang Yuan planned to drive a coach there.

But after thinking about it for a while, I decided to go with the boss’s car, which would be too much trouble for both of us.

On the way, the boss said in a coquettish voice while driving: "Fang Yuan wants you to see how good I am at picking up girls today."

Fang Yuan smiled silently: "Just blow it!!"

"How did we meet?"

"Ah~~ I just met on the Internet!!" The boss recalled with a smile: "I was playing on my phone at the time, and suddenly I received a friend request.'

"My first reaction was that she was a liar, here to sell something or something, so I ignored her."

"In the end, she added me again, so I agreed out of curiosity to see what she was going to do.

Fang Yuan listened with interest and continued to ask: "What next."

"Then we started chatting for about a week. We didn't sell anything or borrow money, nor did we mention that her grandfather was a tea seller.

"Probably the day before yesterday, she suddenly noticed that we were very close and wanted to ask me out for a meal."

"I've seen her photos and she looks so beautiful."

"This has been delivered to your door. Do you think I can stop going?"

After listening to the boss's story, Fang Yuan couldn't help but exclaimed: "Aren't you afraid that she will be happy in vain if she is a bartender?"

The boss smiled and waved his hand: "Don't be afraid!"

“The place to eat was decided by me, it’s just an ordinary barbecue restaurant.

"There's no way it's a bartender."

"You said she didn't ask me for money, nor did she sell anything, and she couldn't be a bartender. What should I worry about?"

Fang Yuan nodded thoughtfully.

There's really nothing wrong with it.

But he still felt a little incredible.

Are there really beautiful girls who take the initiative to chat with men and make friends when they have nothing to do?

It stands to reason that there should be no shortage of men around these people.

Unless the photo is fake or fake, he will look like a big dinosaur when we meet him.

I'm afraid this is the only reasonable explanation.

Of course there is another possibility, and that is the fairy dance!

But this is unlikely.

Because Xianrentiao will stay in advance, and the hotels are also fixed, making it convenient for accomplices to catch the rapists.

When a hotel like the boss is not fixed, even if she has a partner, it will be too late.

If you encounter someone who is fast, it will be over before the person arrives.

That's called stealing the chicken but losing the rice.

After thinking about it, the car came to the designated barbecue restaurant unknowingly.

As soon as he got off the bus, Fang Yuan saw a beautiful woman wearing black stockings and high heels, long wavy hair and heavy makeup standing at the intersection looking around with her mobile phone and bag.

The moment the boss saw the beauty, his eyes widened.

In the car, he shouted excitedly: "Look, look, look, it's that beauty!"

"Let me go, she looks better in person than in photos. I was worried that she was overly Photoshopped.

Fang Yuan nodded in surprise: "It's indeed good, boss, you've earned it!"

"Hehe!" The boss smiled coquettishly: "We will act according to the opportunity. Don't spoil my good deeds tonight. I will ask her to introduce one to you then."

"No problem!" Fang Yuan made an OK gesture.

After the two got out of the car, they walked straight towards the beauty.

The boss quickly waved and said hello: "Beauty!!"

The beauty turned her head and saw two people coming over. She was a little surprised and asked in confusion who among you is: "The person behind the scenes?"

Hearing this, the boss's face froze and he smiled awkwardly: "I am, I am... Are you not nervous at all, Miss?"

Fang Yuan was stunned.

What weird names did these two people come up with?

No wonder they can be a couple, what a weird couple.

The beauty smiled and responded: "Yes, I finally met you, you are more beautiful than in the photo."

The boss chuckled: "You too, more beautiful than in the photo."

"Oh, by the way, this is my friend. I invited him to have a meal together. Do you mind?"

"No, no, it's more lively when there are more people!"

Fang Yuan smiled and nodded, as a greeting.

After several people walked into the barbecue restaurant, they ordered a lot of food and some beer.

The boss raised his eyebrows to Fang Yuan, making a look like you know.

Fang Yuan immediately made an OK gesture while the beauty was not paying attention.

Soon, the barbecue was served, and beer and liquor were all served.

These wines were ordered by the boss himself, and the prices were clear, so he didn't worry about the existence of wine touts.

Several people ate heartily, chatting while eating.

The boss picked up the wine glass: "Come on, beautiful lady, let's have a drink!"

"Okay!" The beautiful lady put down the skewers in her hand, picked up the glass and clinked it with her.

But when she saw Fang Yuan sitting there motionless, she smiled and said: "Handsome guy, you should drink with us too."

Fang Yuan smiled and waved his hand: "No, I have something to do tonight, so I can't drink."

"Eh~~ What a bummer!"

"Let's drink together. (cbcf). I'm not afraid of a girl, but you don't drink. Really.

The boss was a little embarrassed when he heard this, and his face was a little bad.

With a wry smile, he replied: "Forget it, forget it. It doesn't matter if he doesn't drink. He has to get up early tomorrow to teach people how to drive." "Boring~~ Then I'll drink two!" "Okay!" The boss said nothing and took up the big wine glass and poured it into his mouth. Gulp Gulp~~ The horse urine in the wine glass decreased at a speed visible to the naked eye. Until he finished drinking and burped. Burp~~ After finishing, the wine glass was facing down and said proudly: "I've done it... What do you say?" The beauty smiled faintly, picked up the wine glass and swallowed it without hesitation. Gulp Gulp~~ It was more refreshing than the boss's drink. This made Fang Yuan was stunned.

Good guy.

With this situation, it's hard to say who will get drunk tonight!

The boss naturally realized this and decided to do something exciting.

He opened a bottle of white wine and mixed it with beer.

"It's boring to drink beer alone, let's mix it!"

"Okay!" The beauty didn't hesitate and poured the same cup.

The two of them were like close friends who hadn't seen each other for many years, drinking one cup after another.

In just half an hour, they didn't eat much skewers, but they drank a lot of wine.

At this time, from the expression on the boss's face, it can be seen that he has had a little too much.

On the contrary, the beauty's face did not change much.

She still wanted to toast with the boss in a heroic manner.

This scene of the opposite of Tiangang, Fang Yuan's eyelids twitched.

A sentence popped up unconsciously in his mind.

High-end hunters often appear in the form of prey.

Judging from the current situation, if the boss continues to drink, let alone a home run, it will be a problem whether he can lift it.

Netizens in the live broadcast room were envious of this scene.


[The boss can't drink much, and he still wants to get the beauty drunk and take her to a hotel? If you don't have some strength, don't come out to play. If it were me, I would punish you until dawn for drinking like this!]

[I used to think that none of the girls I dated online were reliable. Now I realize that I was short-sighted. This girl is the kind who likes to play and has fun. She doesn't have to take responsibility for sleeping with her. She is also beautiful. Such a good thing is hard to find even with a lantern.]

——[ Where is Fang Yuan!! As a professional wingman, how can you sit there and do nothing? Are you going to watch the boss let the chicken go? If you run away, our live broadcast room My brothers won’t agree!】

[Before, I was worried that it might be a fairy dance, but now... people are drunk, and they dance like crazy! I can only say that my skills are not as good as others, and I am willing to be defeated. Diaosi in the live broadcast room, remember, you can't drink. You can’t even sleep when a woman comes to your door!]

Fang Yuan looked at the boss who had started talking drunkenly and smiled helplessly.

He wanted to help, but he was powerless.

I still have to count on him to drive later.

He still understands the principle of drinking a car but not driving a wine, and driving a wine but not driving a car.

I thought that the beautiful woman would keep having sex with the boss.

But at this moment, her cell phone suddenly rang.

He smiled awkwardly and explained: "I'll answer the phone first, and you can eat slowly."

The boss remained awake for the time being, smiled and waved his hand: "Go ahead, go ahead!"

Watching the beauty walk away, Fang Yuan looked at the boss with a wry smile: "Can you still hold on?"

"I feel like if I drink more, she will be fine, but you will collapse."

Hearing this, the boss almost cried.

"Thought I didn't know!"

"How the hell did I know she could drink so well."

"A man can't say he can't do it!"

"If I don't get her drunk, do you think I have a chance?"

Fang Yuan looked at the boss and was speechless: "Then take it easy, beer and liquor will have great stamina."

The boss glanced at the beautiful woman on the phone outside the door and murmured in a low voice: "Don't worry, I already drank a cup of yogurt before coming here.

"After a while, I couldn't do it anymore, so I secretly went to the toilet and dug it out.

"Anyway, I'm going to sleep with this girl tonight!"

Fang Yuan smiled silently: "You are awesome! Be careful if someone wakes up the next morning and accuses you of rape!"

"Hehe!" The boss blushed like a monkey's butt: "Don't worry...if she didn't mean that, she wouldn't come out to drink with me. Girls, I understand!

"We are all human beings and have physiological needs. As long as I behave better when the time comes, not only will everything be fine, but I will also have another sex partner in the future!"

Fang Yuan was dumbfounded by the boss's nagging look: "Forget it, I'll drag you to the driving school anyway if you drink too much. I won't throw you away!"

"That's enough!"

At this moment, the beauty took back her phone and came back with a smile: "What are you two talking about?"

"Are you talking about something bad?"

"No, no!" The boss shook his hands at the same time: "We are talking about work.

"Really?" The beauty smiled evilly: "But... I don't want to drink anymore..."

"The company called me just now and asked me to go back and pick up something."

"Can you give me a ride?"

"Ah?" After hearing this, the boss looked reluctant: "Can't you get it tomorrow? Do you have to get it now?"

The beauty sighed and explained: "I can't help it, it's only two or three kilometers away, so you can give me a ride."

As he spoke, he pulled the boss's arm.

The boss was so excited on the spot.

But although he drank too much, he was not stupid.

He smiled bitterly and replied: "I

After drinking so much, if I drive you now, wouldn’t that be drunk driving?

"'s only two kilometers, and it only takes a few minutes to go back and forth. What are you afraid of?"

"Besides, if I take a taxi and leave by myself, I won't come back."

"Think clearly, I had no intention of going back tonight."

As soon as these words came out.

Fang Yuan looked shocked and stared back dumbfounded.

Not to mention the boss.

His heart accelerated wildly, his eyes widened, and his mouth felt dry for a while.

What the beauty just said couldn't be more obvious.

If he doesn't understand, he's just like a fool.

The boss swallowed his saliva and was having a strong ideological struggle in his heart.

At this time, Fang Yuan suddenly suggested: "How about I send you two off? I'm not drinking anyway."

"Yes, yes!" The boss suddenly realized: "Let my friend give it to me."

I thought it was a matter of course.

Who thought the beauty was, frowned and reluctantly replied: "You are so boring, just go out to have a meal with friends."

"Now you have to carry a light bulb, what are you going to do?"

"Forget it, it's boring, I'll go by myself!"

He said that the perfect girl turned around and left.

This scared the boss.

He quickly grabbed the beautiful woman’s wrist and explained hurriedly: “Don’t go, don’t go!”

"Isn't it the same with my friend giving it to you? Then we can find a place and talk about life slowly, okay?"

"No!" the beauty retorted: "Have you ever seen someone wearing a lightbulb when they are in love?"

"Let go! I'm leaving. Don't see me again!"


The boss was completely confused. The blood in his brain was flowing backwards and he could no longer care about anything. He immediately agreed: "Okay, okay! I'll see you off, but we agreed that after delivery, I can't drive again."

The car’s gone!”

Hearing this, the beauty finally showed a smile: "Okay, let's go now, I'll call the boss.


Watching the beautiful woman walk out of the store.

Fang Yuan asked in disbelief: "Boss, are you crazy? You are driving drunk!! Do you want to die?"

The boss smiled bitterly: "Then tell me what should I do? Are you willing to let the duck fly away?"

"Not willing to give in!"

"But, don't you think it's a little strange?"

"Why does she insist on you sending her away? She obviously knows that you are drunk driving, but she still wants you to send her away."

"Wouldn't it be the same if I gave it away?"

"As for the light bulbs she mentioned, I don't think they are the reason."

"Any normal person knows that drunk driving is illegal. She would rather let you break the law than let me send you away."

"Something's wrong, something's very wrong!"

After listening to Fang Yuan's analysis, the boss felt his heart skip a beat and realized something was wrong.

He looked at the beautiful woman who was still on the phone outside the door, and asked solemnly: "What should I do? I promised her."

Fang Yuan pondered for a moment and thought about it.

"We can do an experiment!"

"This will let you know why she didn't let me give it away."

"What experiment?" the boss asked curiously.

Fang Yuan did not answer him, but poured all the liquor in the liquor bottle into the trash can in front of the boss.

"What are you doing!"

"Just watch it!"

Then Fang Yuan poured the mineral water into the liquor bottle, cleaned it briefly, and then poured it back to the same level as before.

After he was done, he reminded her in a low voice: "When he comes back later, the two of us will act out a scene. I drank this glass of white wine in front of her."

"At this time, just say that you are too drunk to drive and ask me to take you there."

"Look at what she says. If she still doesn't agree, then maybe she really thinks I'm a lightbulb."

"But if she sees me drinking, she will immediately allow me to drive."

"Then you have to be careful!!"

“There is no such thing as pie in the sky!!”


The boss looked stunned and nodded with empty eyes.

"I understand, if she agrees to let you drive, it means she wants to harm me!! To be precise, she deliberately makes us drunk.

"When the time comes, you can use her plan to see what tricks she plays!"

"Yes!" Fang Yuan nodded.

"Then what if he still doesn't agree to let you drive?"

Fang Yuan shrugged helplessly: "I will knock you out with a bench and take you back to the driving school!"

"Fuck!" The boss looked at Fang Yuan in shock: "I brought you out, and this is what you did to me!"

"if not!!"

"Don't forget, I'm doing the live broadcast."

"Don't you know how big and bad the impact of a driving school owner's drunk driving will be?"

"If I don't knock you out, you will regret it later!"

The boss nodded guiltily: "What you said makes sense...I'll start gentle, don't slap me in the face!".

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