After listening to Fang Yuan's narration, Jiang Han fell into deep thought.

Lin Xi jumped up and replied: "If it were me, I would definitely show up... So many people are looking for me, if I don't show up, I guess they will think I'm dead."

Fang Yuan smiled faintly: "That's right!!"

"What if she shows up? And she is not found in the mountains, then the result..."


Hearing this, Jiang Han couldn't help but take a breath.

Looking at Fang Yuan in shock: "You are asking me to turn my face away, and throw it into the trash can!"

Fang Yuan shrugged: "You have no choice, if she really cheated on you."

"You can protect your rights and interests to the greatest extent by doing this."

"To put it bluntly, it's an open conspiracy!"

"No matter what the result is, it won't be worse for you than it is now!"

Jiang Han frowned, and finally nodded in agreement: "Yes!"

"Coach, you are right!"

"What should I do now? Call the police directly?"

Fang Yuan grinned: "Call the police, you must call the police!"

"Not only do you have to call the police, but you also have to make it known to everyone, otherwise your wife won't know you are looking for her. "

"You can post a missing person notice, and find some mainstream media to help you post a missing person notice online. If you have the conditions, spend some money to find a rescue team and look for it together!!"

At this moment, everyone in the car was stunned.

Looking at Fang Yuan with horror.

He was obviously smiling, but he looked like a devil.

This is not looking for someone, it's clearly trying to ruin someone's reputation, right?

But by doing this, Jiang Han stood on the moral high ground.

Even if everyone came to their senses afterwards, no one would say anything to him.

Instead, they would point all the blame at his wife, and I'm afraid that his cuckoldry would be known to everyone.

It's chilling to think about it.

The coach who usually has a weird side actually has such a dark side.

After hesitating for a moment, Jiang Han still called the police.

And explained the situation in detail.

"June 43" Because the person has been missing for more than 24 hours, and there is a possibility of an accident.

The police immediately filed a case and sent people to search.

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Han looked at Fang Yuan said stupidly: "What about the rescue team, media exposure, and missing person notice?"

"Should I just post a short video myself and invest some traffic?"

Fang Yuan sighed with a wry smile: "If you are exposed like this, it will take a long time for people to see it."

"I'll teach you a simple way."

"First, use Douyin to search for hot news and click in."

"Then select the red button to expose it immediately."

"Upload all the things you want to find people and photos and videos."

"Be sure to fill in the time, place, mobile phone number, and whether it is original."

"After clicking submit, a news media will immediately use your video as a news report."

"By the way, you can also be rewarded with corresponding royalties, ranging from a few hundred to a few thousand. "

The people in the car all stared at Fang Yuan blankly.

My head was buzzing.

Good fellow.

You have even thought of how to expose him?

This method is not a spur-of-the-moment idea.

Did he experience something in the past?

Fang Yuan smiled and explained: "The news media also hope to get more news revelations."

"You send it to him, he will be so happy."

"Missing notices like yours are particularly easy to get attention."

"Because most people are actually kind-hearted, and they pay more attention to things like missing people."

"But remember... Don't fill it out blindly. Leaving a mobile phone number on it is to make it easier for Uncle Hat to find you. It may spread rumors!"

In fact, this last sentence was said to the netizens in the live broadcast room.



[Haha~~ I was just about to say, fill in your mobile phone number, ranging from light to serious... I know a person who is very petty. He cares about every trivial matter, ignores it and can't make any noise. I deliberately posted it online to break the news. It is said that I have been detained twice. 】

[I sent it at two o'clock in the middle of the night, and I got the call at eight o'clock in the morning. Don't ask me how I found out. Things like his don't involve other people's interests, so there's generally no need to ask. But if you want to report someone, I advise you not to worry about it, so as not to go back and not know why. 】

[I learned it. I am worried about how to expose the news on the Internet about what happened to me. To be honest, in reality, many things are really not working well every day, and the earth and the earth are not responding. Only online public opinion can give us poor people a glimmer of hope. 】

——[Woman: I’m just going out for a date, and the whole world is looking for me? How can I go back? I’ll go back. Anyone with a discerning eye will know there’s something wrong. If I don’t go back, they can always announce that I’m dead. Bar?】

Jiang Han quickly took out his mobile phone and filled in all the information according to Fang Yuan's instructions.

Then Fang Yuan looked at the other two people: "The car will stop here today, I will send him to get the missing person notice, you go back first.

"No!!" Lin Xi could not let go of such a big melon.

With a flattering smile on his face, he said: "Coach, just let me go with you."

Even Xiao Ming laughed: "I want to go too!"

Fang Yuan glanced at Jiang Han helplessly: "You have to see if he is willing."

Jiang Han smiled bitterly: "Now that things have happened, I still care about whether these are meaningful. Just do it if you want!"


With the owner's consent.

Fang Yuan and Jiang Han changed places and found a printing shop.

Copy the words you sent to the media before and paste a photo of Jiang Han and his wife.

Thousands of copies were printed directly.

The owner of the printing shop also thoughtfully introduced them to some companies that specialize in publishing small advertisements.

These people took the list and paste and started.

Suddenly, missing persons notices were everywhere on telephone poles, supermarkets, parks, stations, communities, commercial streets, and train stations.

This is not over yet, Fang Yuan took Jiang Han to find a rescue center that charges a fee.

Let them send a rescue team to help search and rescue.

Not long after, the media company also called him and repeatedly confirmed the authenticity of the matter.

He immediately said that he would send it to him now.

At this point, almost everything that can be done has been done.

In the car, Fang Yuan looked at Jiang Han who looked lonely and patted his shoulder: "Think of the best, what if your wife really has an accident."

"You are saving her!"

Hearing this, Jiang Han's face twitched.

In fact, the outcome has already been determined, it is just a matter of time.

Netizens in the live broadcast room did not mind the excitement and went to search for related videos.

Hundreds of thousands of people searched for it at the same time, and some even bought Doujia to increase its popularity.

The video was once on the hot search list.

Now it's better, more people can see the video.

In just over an hour, the number of views exceeded 30 million!!

The comment area is even more explosive.

[This person looks so familiar. I saw her in the hotel downstairs this morning. I don’t know if it was her. She seemed to be with a man at that time. 】

[I also saw it, but it was yesterday afternoon. She was wearing a peaked cap and shopping for things in an adult product store with ten men. 】

[Is it true or false? Didn’t you say that the person was lost in the mountains? Why are the rumors getting more and more outrageous! 】

[[Photo] Really, I saw it too. Is that her? And who is the man next to her? 】

[Holy shit! Such a bitch? My husband is trying so hard to find her, but she’s just hooking up with someone?]

As soon as the news spreads, it spreads to ten people.

Just over two hours later, Jiang Han's cell phone rang.

It turned out to be the police.

Tell Jiang Han that the man was found at the foot of the mountain.

Jiang Han heard that he found it on the other side of the mountain, and hope instantly rose in his heart.

He quickly asked: "Is she okay? Is she still safe?"

Hearing this, the policeman responded with a weird look on his face: "Uh...he's fine...just a slight scratch!"


Jiang Hangang's hope for gas was shattered instantly.

How could it be possible that it was just a scratch and not seen for two days and one night?

That mountain is so big, where can she go?

It was obvious that he appeared at the foot of the mountain and did not come down from the mountain.

But walked over from somewhere else.

At this moment, Jiang Han was heartbroken and all the strength in his body was drained away.

Fang Yuan sighed and drove him to the police station.

When I saw my wife and the man next to me.

Jiang Han's face was full of complicated emotions.

He opened his mouth and swallowed.

He had prepared a lot of words, but now, he couldn't say a word.

Greetings? Concerns? Questioning? Scolding? Or directly scolding?

All meaningless!

Looking at her clean clothes, there is no need to guess where she went last night.

Even the policeman next to him was sighing.

They are not stupid, they can naturally see what is going on.

But for them, finding someone is considered a business trip.

As for the rest, I can't care about it.

The woman pretended to be aggrieved and walked to Jiang Han: "Hubby, I'm sorry... I'm lost!"

"Ha~~" Jiang Han sneered: "You are lost, and your phone is also lost?"

"What's the meaning?"

"My phone was broken and couldn't be opened. I just opened it. If you don't believe me, ask my friend.

Hearing this, Jiang Han felt that his intelligence had been severely insulted.

He replied mockingly: "Your mobile phone is broken, and your friend's is also broken? Don't you know how to call for rescue? Or maybe his phone just ran out of battery?"

The woman's expression froze, and there was a hint of panic in her eyes.

Was trying to explain something.

But Jiang Han reached out and interrupted: "Now go online and open your phone to take a look."

"How many people are looking for you? Look at the comment section and look at those photos.

The woman's mind was shaken, and a strong bad feeling came into her heart.

I immediately turned on my phone and searched for missing person notices.

Seeing those tens of millions of views, my face turned pale.

But when she opened the comment area and saw the photos one after another.

He stumbled and almost fell, his face full of panic.

After being stunned for a few seconds, he rushed up, hugged Jiang Han with tears in his eyes and cried: "I'm sorry, husband, I was wrong!!"

"Can you forgive me this time? I won't do it again next time!"

Jiang Han stood there like a wooden stake, feeling his wife in his arms, looking dull and saying nothing...

The audience present were all shaking their heads and sighing.

After more than ten seconds, Jiang Han replied calmly: "Get a divorce!"

When she heard the word divorce, the woman couldn't help but tremble.

She cried louder and kept explaining: "I'm not pregnant, he didn't move!! You believe me, it's true!!"

"I was wrong! Please forgive me this time, please!"


Got it!"

However, the response to him was just two words: "Go away!"

As the saying goes, there is nothing greater than grief.

At this moment, Jiang Han's heart may have completely died.

No matter how hard the woman tried, he didn't even resist.

Often the more this happens, the more painful it is in his heart.

The scene was at a stalemate.

Netizens in the live broadcast room were both angry and relieved when they saw this scene!

————[He didn’t move and hurt two men. I feel like my CPU is about to burn out. I can’t figure it out. She has already gone out to steal people. Why is she crying? It’s a good time to get together.

Isn’t everyone happy to leave?】

[China Unicom is connected, but you tell me it’s not mobile? I’m a wholesaler of cement. Lovers come to me quickly to get the goods. Two packages per person, no more. 】

[She admitted her mistake not because she knew she was wrong, but because she felt that what she did was not secretive enough and she would not make the same mistake next time!]

[Why did she have the nerve to say it? I thought it was because my outlook on life had not kept up with the times. Now I realize that it is because some people’s outlook on life is too distorted, regardless of whether they are men or women.

My distorted three views were shocked to bits and pieces. 】

[I would like to become the most powerful conspiracy in contemporary times. I suggest Jiang Han immediately register a Douyin live broadcast account. It will be broadcast now. I guarantee that the cuckold gift will be available from day to night.

From night to day, it is not a problem to earn more than one million in three days. Let that woman regret it. 】

After a stalemate for a while, the police couldn't stand it anymore.

At this time, a circle of onlookers had gathered at the gate of the police station.

I had no choice but to walk up to the woman, pull her away and comfort her: "Madam, if you need adjustment, you can go to the mediation room of our police station and talk slowly."

“But please don’t cause unnecessary commotion at the gate.”

The woman cried for a long time and had no strength left.

Looking at Jiang Han's expressionless expression, I was already panicking.

But she still persisted in seeking forgiveness.

Most people are like this.

He was eating outside, but he couldn't bear to leave home.

On the one hand, I am afraid of being scolded.

On the other hand, life was having a great time!

This kind of personality is not suitable for him. It will only be a matter of time before he returns to his original form.

Jiang Han took advantage of her daze, turned around and left, getting into Fang Yuan's coach.

"Coach...let's go...I don't want to be here anymore."

Fang Yuan nodded.

Still, the woman behind him patted the window and walked away quickly.

Lin Xi and Xiao Ming were left standing there in confusion.


"I didn't get in the car!!"

"Hey! Coach!! I didn't get in the car!"

The two of them followed in pursuit.

But soon I couldn’t even smell the exhaust from the coach car.

In the end, the two of them looked at each other and could only smile bitterly and go home.

Fang Yuan brought Jiang Han to an intersection and stopped slowly.

Then he turned around and asked: "What are you going to do next with 5.0?"

Jiang Han laughed at himself: "How else can I get a divorce?"

"Forget it, I don't want to think about it anymore. There is no possibility of turning back now."

"Coach, please leave me here and let me relax by myself."

Fang Yuan smiled and shook his head: "That won't work, I'm afraid you won't be able to think about it!"

"Let's do this, you come back to the driving school with me, and just calm down there at night. If you need anything, call me.

Jiang Han was silent for a few seconds and then nodded.

At around five o'clock, Fang Yi returned to the school.

He said hello to the boss and asked Jiang Han to rest there.

After learning about the situation, the boss took the initiative to buy some wine and food and chat with him.

Fang Yuan had to teach driving in the evening and couldn't drink. He drank some boiled water symbolically.

Until about 7 o'clock, I watched the two lying on the ground hugging each other.

My eyelids are twitching~

Good guy, is this your second spring?

In desperation, Fang Yuan had to carry them to the bed to rest.

However, there was a headache waiting for him tonight.

The three women who had practiced driving before all said they wanted to come.

But the loli girl and the big guy who practiced driving last night are also coming.

It’s like saying that 5 of them will come at once!!

This gave him a little headache.

The car can only carry up to four more people.

Fang Yuan had to let the big man find his own way to the driving practice location.

Considering that Xia Qing would have an exam the day after tomorrow, I specially asked her to drive there tonight.

I thought she was the most skilled one, so there must be no problem.

As a result, as soon as he got in the car, he forgot to turn on the lights. Fang Yuan lightly reminded him: "Don't you think it's a little dark?"

Xia Qing hesitated and nodded, then turned on the small light above his head.

In an instant, Fang Yuan felt like his cerebellum was getting dirty.

Xia Qing looked at Xia Qing in disbelief: "Why are you driving with the headlight on?".

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