Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

In Feng Sufei's eyes, Nan Rong Huaian is very powerful.

It is also because Nan Rong Huai An is by her side, and many things in the country can be easily solved.

Now that country H is on the right track, it has become more stable and more prosperous.

The people praised her as a queen. In fact, much of the credit goes to Nanrong Huaian.

However, Nan Rong Huai'an never contributed, he said that he just loved her, so he wanted to make her easier.

Sometimes, Feng Sufei joked, saying that if Nan Rong Huai'an was willing to be with her and enter the palace, then Congress would be better.

Every time he said such a thing, Nan Rong Huaian didn't look very good.

He will blame himself for guilt.

When Feng Sufei realized his emotions, she never said that again.

Actually, she should cherish the treasure, cherish the present, cherish Nan Rong Huai'an.

Feng Sufei leaned on the arms of Nan Rong Huaian and felt this warmth, she didn't want to come out.

She thought the smell on him was the best.

It was her craving.

Seeing that she was about to get on the plane, Feng Sufei came out of Nanrong Huaian's arms, and then she was going to the plane.

But this moment, she turned and ran back again.

Nan Rong Huai'an opened his hand and hugged Feng Sufei, fearing that she would run fast and fall.

Feng Sufei hugged Nanrong Huaian, hugged his neck, and kicked his toes to kiss him.

Even if it was only a few days apart, she would miss him very much, she must first understand the acacia.

Nan Rong Huai'an was just a stunner, and soon he was mainly anti-passengers. He hugged Feng Sufei and kissed hard.

Two people seem to forget everything, and only have each other in their eyes.

After a long kiss, Feng Sufei leaned in the arms of Nan Rong Huai An, and could not breathe.

Nan Rong Huai took Feng Sufei to help her calm her breath.

The corners of Feng Sufei's lips carried his breath, a little bit of water.

Nan Rong Huaian's eyes were dark, but he controlled his emotions. He reached out and gently wiped off the lips and water with Feng Sufei.

Between the friction between his fingers, Feng Sufei felt a numbness, and her whole body shivered fiercely.

Feng Sufei looked up at Nan Rong Huai'an. She felt that she wouldn't have to get on the plane again if she stayed in the arms of Nan Rong Huai'an.

After Feng Sufei actually got on the plane, she looked at Nan Rong Huai'an on the window of the plane and looked deeply, with deep emotions in her eyes. She loves this man and has been in love for a long time.

Now that she can get the heart of Nan Rong Huai An and make him love her so much, she is very content.

In fact, she has always been a single-minded person and a cherished person.

Later, when Sakura Michi was going to chase her, she didn't see it.

But from the beginning, her heart was on Nanrong Huaian.

If she hadn't been killed as Dongfangyan, she might have been with Si Jue Shen and cherish it.

But Si absolutely cheated her and hurt her, and her heart died.

When she was Feng Sufei, she and Nan Rong Huai An were together, and it was only after going through some things.

Now Nan Rong Huai'an treats her very well and she cherishes it.

When the plane gradually took off and Feng Sufei could not see Nan Rong Huai'an on the plane, she felt a sour feeling in her heart.

Love is really grind, but people can't live without love.

Feng Sufei can feel that with the love of Nan Rong Huaian, wherever she goes, she will think of country H and home.

After watching the plane take off, Nan Rong Huai An suddenly held her heart. It really hurts here.

He shook his head helplessly and smiled bitterly. He was really in love.

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