Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

When Nan Rong Huai An looked at the sky, when the plane was completely invisible, he looked down at the mobile phone.

The homepage of the mobile phone is a photo of him and Feng Sufei.

She was smiling so sweet and happy in his arms.

Every time he saw such a photo, his mood would be better.

Nan Rong Huaian covered her heart, closed her eyes, and said in her heart, "Su Fei, you should come back sooner."

If she doesn't return, he will go to her in person.


Feng Sufei hated making the plane faster, she wanted to see her parents and her sister.

I don't know how they are doing.

The news received said that it was all good, but the specific situation did not say that she was worried.

There is also the Residual Blood Tower. She wants to know why Residual Blood Tower is targeted at country h and why she is targeted at her.

Feng Sufei held her hands tightly, her heart held up.

When she came to a cottage in a village in Hezhuangcheng, she went in and saw her sister.


Feng Sujin was not very emotional at first, but when she heard this voice, her heart moved, and when she turned to see her younger sister, the emotion seemed to calm down suddenly.

"Sophie, why are you here?"

"Sister, I know the news is coming, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing her sister's red eyes, Feng Sufei was worried.

Feng Sujin reached out and hugged her younger sister, "It's okay, just a little worried about my mother."

Feng Sujin will not tell much of her mind to Feng Sufei, afraid that her sister will follow.

Feng Sufei said, "How is your mother?"

In fact, Feng Sufei was really excited. She knew that her mother was still alive and she cried happily.

Not only does she have a sister, a father, but also a mother.

In her style Su Fei's memory, her mother occupies a very important position.

At that time, even if she had no sense of mind or insufficiency, her mother was teaching her a lot of things.

So much so that she can use these knowledge and knowledge.

In fact, girls still have to rely on themselves.

Because she has the ability and wisdom, she made Nan Rong Huaian fall in love with her!

The soul of Dongfangyan and Feng Sufei made her whole person very confident.

In the face of Nan Rong Huai An, she can also be free and easy to be herself.

In this way, we can better grasp our love.

In fact, when she was Dongfangyan before, she was so low-key at that time that people thought she had no ability. When she was a queen, she was also inferior.

Because at that time, she felt too little love.

Now she can feel a lot of love, the love of the people, and the love that people around her give her.

This allows her to maintain a enthusiasm to love the whole country and to govern the country as a queen.

She is grateful that life has given her so much affection, especially since her mother is still alive, she is really happy.

It feels different to have a mother.

Feng Sujin held her sister's hand and said, "The mother is not in good condition, but there should be no danger to life. Everyone is treating her mother."

When Feng Sufei heard this sentence, she raised her heart and went to the room to take a look.

Feng Sujin grabbed her younger sister. "Don't bother first, I'll ask the landlord of Canxue Building."

Feng Sufei followed.

Along the way, Feng Sujin also told the general situation of the Residual Blood Building to Feng Sufei.

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