Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Now everyone mentioned Wang Su, with a delicate expression on his face.

That is awe of fear.

Everyone always feels that this Wang Su is here to destroy the Remnant Blood Tower.

In fact, there were many forces and organizations that wanted to destroy the Blood Tower, but before they could do anything, they were solved by the people in the Blood Tower.

Those disciples in Canxuelou do not know if they have taken Dali Pill and they are very capable!

No one can kill with a gun, they are faster than bullets!

That reaction ability, some of them have seen, is really strong.

And there is a group of masters who do n’t know where to come from that residual blood landlord. These masters have more things to know.

And I heard that the poison of Canxuelou is also very powerful.

The disciples in Canxuelou could not dig, they seemed to be under control.


But with so many dangers and so many situations, how did Wang Su alone do it?

Did she do it alone?

But everything is possible!

Didn't everyone think that the Li family could not be destroyed at the beginning?

However, the Li family was not killed lightly by Wang Su like cutting tofu.

That domineering, many people have not seen in the restaurant, but also heard others say.

The name Wang Su is no stranger to everyone in Hezongcheng.

It also passed on to the ears of other cities.

An inconspicuous person who is not taken seriously is known as such.

In particular, the Blood Remnant House was destroyed, but it was a very, very big thing. Even the patriarchs who claimed to be powerful families had to pay attention to this matter.

Because this means that the stronger city has emerged.

Is this a threat to their family? They don't know.

However, because the Li family was destroyed, the balance situation has been broken. Just a short time after Wang Su went to the Residual Blood Tower, many families in the compound city had wars and frictions.

Even secretly there are dead people.

These are superficial, and the secret battles are stronger.

There are not a few who die in secret.

Moreover, many families are still staring at the leaders of the mainland.

Only the strong can tell!


"This Wang Su doesn't know where he went, and he doesn't know whether it is life or death."

"That kind of evil, so strong and domineering, how could it be dead, Canxuelou must have something to do with her. Besides, that lady Li is still alive, and her admiration of Wang Su shows that Wang Su is alive. "

"Staring at this Mrs. Li, you must report whenever the wind blows."

"Notice. The family will have high-level meetings and secret meetings. No one will be disturbed. During this time, the family will be closed, and no one will see you."



The major families of Hezongcheng started meeting in secret to discuss the plans for the next family.

It is not clear whether Wang Su is an enemy or a friend.

"What exactly is Wang Su, check it out ..."


No matter what family is in the vertical city, go to check Wang Su, and find that the background is very simple, nothing special, and then they use a lot of power, how can they find no other news.

Everyone realized that they could not find any useful news, which shows that Wang Su is really not simple!

Otherwise, how could they not find the news network of the mainland and the vertical city!

What they don't know is that there is the identity of Jun Mohan who disguised Feng Sujin himself. That is what no one else can find out.

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