Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Jun Mohan's ability always plays the most important role at a critical time.

And if he wants to truly protect a person, others can't move it.

The identity that Jun Mohan disguised as Feng Sujin could not be found by others.


The Canxue Building was destroyed, and even families such as the Naren family were alarmed. This is a mysterious clan that crosses the mainland.

And the Naren family has been low-key and has not participated in anything.

But this time, because the Blood Tower was destroyed, the Naland family also began a secret meeting to discuss it.

Nalan Yunqing didn't know why he should pay attention to that Wang Su.

He just felt a strange sense of familiarity.

He did not expect that this Wang Su would trigger changes in the vertical city.

The situation in Hezongcheng has changed, and perhaps the Naland family can no longer keep a low profile, otherwise the chaos in the whole city will be chaotic, and the entire vertical and horizontal continent will stare at Hezongcheng.

Weak meat and strong food, annexing the power of other families, is what many powerful families do.

The Naland family not only has to stand on the continent, but also continues to grow stronger.

Only by becoming stronger can he do what he wants to do.

He had sent someone to look for the entrance to the temple.

He also enabled the family treasures of the Naland family, which was enabled as the family owner.

When he finds the temple, he can do what he wants to do, and he wants to bring Blue Phoenix back to life.

At this time Nalan Yunqing did not know that Feng Sujin was still alive.

I don't know if Wang Su is Feng Sujin.

But I don't know why, he remembered the name of Wang Su, he felt some waves in his heart.


When the vertical city continued to be chaotic and other cities on the mainland began to invade, some of the patriarchs and elders of the vertical city realized the seriousness of the problem.

After the slaughter, the remaining high-ranking family members began to ask for help in front of the Nalan family.

The Naland family is the oldest family. With a history of thousands of years, the Naland family has been very low-key recently, but its power exists.

No one knows what kind of power the Nalandans have.

But the Nalan family definitely has the power to turn things around in history, they know it.

They all feel that there is a more mysterious power behind the Naland family.

With the Nalan family sitting in the town, the city of Zongzhuang has always been peaceful.

So they don't know what to do next for the family, how to survive and maintain stable development, and how to resist foreign invading forces, which is their headache.

They believe that the Naren family can provide information on the brain and help them confuse them.


When Nalan Yunqing learned that many people outside met, Nalan Yunqing was silent for a long time and refused.

Until the time of life and death, the Naland family did not show up.

This is the ancestral teaching of the ancestors.

In fact, Nalan Yunqing, as the head of the Naland family, can completely change some rules.

But his purpose in coming to the Naren family was clear.

He just wanted to make up for his inner deficit and owe to Feng Sujin.

Nothing else can affect him.

Thinking of Feng Sujin, Nalan Yunqing covered her heart, where she felt guilty and painful.


At the time when the vertical city was getting more and more chaotic, the former site of the Canxue Building was re-established as the Overlord Building.

As soon as the three words of Bawanglou came out, the news spread like a blast throughout the entire vertical city.

Overlord Tower?

The former Blood Tower changed to Overlord Tower? Or did someone destroy the Residual Blood Tower and change it to her own Overlord Tower?

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