Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

You said that you destroyed the Blood Residual House, then you can destroy the Blood Residual House. No one knows that your hand moved to the Blood Residual House.

But you haven't left yet, building a overlord building on the residual blood building?

The name is so shocking ...

"Who ... who is so bullish? So domineering, for fear that others may not know it."

"Just, isn't that crazy? Isn't it crazy? I've never seen such a crazy one."

"Maybe people are crazy and capable, and the Blood Remnant House has been destroyed."

"Have you found any news?"

"No, Bawanglou is still on the address of the former Canxuelou, where there are many organs and dangers, and no one can't go in at all, I wonder, how did the people who destroyed the Canxuelou ... "

"Overlord Tower ... It's really overlord ... I now hear the three characters in Canxue Tower have ears ..."


No matter how other people discuss and say, this is how the Overlord Building was built, and no one else can detect specific news.

Joke, now the group of sisters around Feng Sujin are so powerful, one person will do this, the other person will do that, the institutions around the residual blood path have been changed again, Miao Shenxu has put a lot of poison.

Qiao Liuhua uses many things of the ghost family here.

And she didn't know how to get a few beasts from the Black Mill Forest to sit around the Overlord Tower, that's even worse!

As long as they are not in the Overlord Tower, they personally lead people in, and no one else can enter.

The geographical location here is so special that even planes cannot enter the airspace here.


Outside, just like the explosion, in a village house somewhere, in addition to reading news every day, Feng Sujin was waiting for news from her mother.

Sister Feng Sujin and Feng Sufei are both worried that it is not good to rest every day.

Of course they also know what the chaos in the vertical city has become.

Feng Sujin also knows that the ancestral land of the Nalan family is the Nalan family, which is here.

She wanted Nalan Yun to settle accounts, but she never had time.

However, she was not idle. In addition to building the Overlord Tower, she also asked Mrs. Li to sort through all the information about the ladies and ladies of Hezongcheng who she knew and brought it to her.

Mrs. Li is now very grateful that the original Wang Su left her life.

Except that Wang Su gave her poison to control her, others, she was still at ease. Wang Su gave her a lot of money from the Li family.

However, the money control of the Li family is in Wang Su's hands.

Feng Sujin met Mrs. Li secretly. She knows that many people are staring at Mrs. Li's movements.

She just wanted to get everyone's attention, and the next things were easy to handle.

She wants to gather power and forces.

With more power, there will be more power and it will become stronger.

"You are doing fine, continue."

"Yes Yes!"

Mrs. Li now knows Wang Su's power, and they have destroyed the Residual Blood Tower, and she can crush her by moving her fingers.

So now she is respectful to Wang Su.

Feng Sujin was not going to appear with her real identity, and continued to change her name as Wang Su.


In the anxiety and waiting, Nong Ruolan's body finally stabilized.

With the concerted efforts of everyone, Nong Ruolan's injury gradually improved, but she was seriously injured and needed to be recuperated, but when she woke up, it should be fine.

Now is waiting for the thick Ruolan to wake up.

When Feng Sujin and Feng Sufei heard the news, they were really relieved and wept with joy.

Mother is fine, they are really happy.

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