Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

The two sisters, Feng Sujin and Feng Sufei, took turns to look after her mother. Although the mother was fine, although she was sleeping, they also wanted to guard her mother.

It's like a mother guarding them as a child.

When they were sick or uncomfortable as a child, their mother kept them up all night.

In addition, Qiu Wenzheng and Yuewu have no intention of dyeing Qiulan. They have been treating their mother's body and have not taken much rest these days.

Then give them to them.

The wind is also far away from Nong Ruolan without rest.

It can be seen how deep their relationship is.

Even if the wind is far away, he is really tired and his eyes are red, but his look is calm and soft.

As if looking at her beside her beloved, it was very practical.

When Feng Yiyuan was most tired, he squinted his eyes, but his hand was still holding Ruo Lan's hand.

Feng Sujin and Feng Sufei are both lovers now, so they can understand.

When Feng Sufei was guarding Nong Ruolan, Feng Sujin compressed her rest time and she went out to take action.

She continued to disguise herself as Wang Su, and she wore a lot of gold and silver jewellery on her body. She was very exaggerated. Her clothes were colorful and very bright, and she could blind eyes.

Even the jewellery was worn several times on the body.

Feng Sujin appeared at the place where Mrs. Li lived and said to Mrs. Li: "Let's go shopping."

Mrs. Li suddenly watched Wang Su become so "upstart", she was really not used to it.

But such a Wang Su, she couldn't say anything wrong, just felt that as she approached Wang Su, her eyes flashed.

She was worried that if she stayed with Wang Su for a long time, she would be blinded by the gold and silver light on her.

Feng Sujin wanted to laugh, but she held back, "Let's go and blind others' eyes."


Mrs. Li followed Feng Sujin's side like the girl-in-law, and put her arm on top.

Feng Sujin now seems to have a stance of overlord, his head is looking at the sky.

Two people came out of the door and stood on the street, and a wind blown away instantly.

That is glittering!

Many people were originally scheduled to stare at Mrs. Li's movements.

As a result, Mrs. Li hadn't seen anything for many days, didn't go out, and didn't see anyone.

Just then, the door finally opened and Mrs. Li came out.

But not only did Mrs. Li come out, but also another glittering "upstart" followed.

Where did the people come from, why didn't they know?

"Who is this? Why haven't you seen it before?"

"No, where's the strange thing? My eyes ... the light is dazzling, I can't see people at all, I can see a golden light and a silver light ..."

"The Lord asked us to stare and report as soon as there was any movement. Go back and report ..."

"Oh, I remember, this ... isn't that the one?"

"Who, who ... I haven't seen such a person in Hezongcheng. I wish I could put all the jewels on our body. We all worry that her body can support these weights?"

"This is Wang Su!"

"Well, who do you say? Who?"

"Wang Su, the one who destroyed the Li family, is probably the one who destroyed the Blood Remnants Tower."

"Whoa, go back and report back, how did people become like this, is this one ..."

"Don't doubt it, just report ..."


At the door of Mrs. Li's house, a wind blew up instantly, and countless people flew away.

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