Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 426 Another testament


Lin Jiangnian noticed the unreasonableness in this.

If Chen Zhao really wanted to kill Emperor Ning, there was no need for such a big fanfare, it would be unnecessary!

He was so arrogant, but it seemed like... he did it deliberately?

Like it was done on purpose for someone to look like?

Or is he doing this just to hide other unknown secrets?

Li Mianmiao on the side was deep in thought and remained silent for a long time.


This all seems a bit weird!

It is difficult to explain Chen Zhao's behavior. Did he want to save Emperor Ning, or kill Emperor Ning?


Is there a deeper secret in this?

In the secret room.

After some analysis, the two still found nothing.

Lin Jiangnian gave up.

No matter what Chen Zhao's purpose was, it didn't matter to him.

Even if Chen Zhao wanted to harm the court and subvert the power of the Daning Dynasty... it would have no impact on Lin Jiangnian!

The only thing he has to do now is how to kill Chen Zhao!

However, thinking of Li Miaomiao's words just now, Lin Jiangnian felt a little afraid.

If Chen Zhao is really the mysterious master in the palace that night... Lin Jiangnian wants to kill him, it will be extremely difficult!

Thinking of this, Lin Jiangnian looked solemn and looked up at the eldest princess in front of him.

When he saw her in the palace on New Year's Eve, Li Miaomiao was clearly injured... For her to be injured by a first-class master, it shows that the mysterious master's martial arts strength that night was probably...

If it’s really Chen Zhao!

Lin Jiangnian wanted to kill him, but the idea of ​​avenging Zhao Xi would be difficult.

If you want to kill a first-grade master, it will be as difficult as climbing to the sky!

It is almost impossible to kill a master of this level head-on!

Thinking of this, Lin Jiangnian suddenly raised his eyes and looked Li Miaomiao up and down, and asked tentatively: "Ask a question?"

Li Piaomiao remained silent and raised her eyes to look at him.

"The mysterious master you fought against that strong was he?"

He didn't seem to know why Lin Jiangnian asked this, but Li Miaomiao pondered for a moment and said, "He is very strong!"

"How strong?"

Li Pianmiao frowned coldly, thought for a moment, and said: "At least the Tianxuan peak is a little short of the first-grade grandmaster level..."

Second grade Tianxuan?

Not at the first level yet?

Lin Jiangnian's heart moved, and he looked up and down at the eldest princess in front of him, who was dressed in white like snow: "What about you?"

"First-grade Grandmaster Realm?"

Facing Lin Jiangnian's question, the eldest princess raised her eyes slightly, and her cold eyes fell on him.

After watching quietly for a moment, he said calmly: "Almost!"

Not even close?

Lin Jiangnian was stunned for a moment, and then he realized something...she hadn't entered the first-level Grandmaster realm yet?

As soon as this idea came to mind, Lin Jiangnian felt relieved for some reason!

It turns out that she hasn’t reached the first-grade grandmaster realm yet?

After hearing the news, Lin Jiangnian felt much better for some reason...

After all, being a first-grade master in his twenties is a bit too exaggerated!

It can be called heaven-defying!

It also dealt a heavy blow to Lin Jiangnian's self-confidence!

Lin Jiangnian feels much more comfortable now that he knows that Li Pianmiao has not yet entered the first-level Grandmaster realm!

However, the happy mood did not last long!

Lin Jiangnian soon realized that... although Li Miaomiao has not yet reached the first-grade Grandmaster realm, this also means that she has already stood at the pinnacle of the second-grade Tianxuan!

As for the difference she said, it's not clear how bad it is, but her terrifying martial arts talent is also evident!

Although for many people, if it is a little bit worse, it may be more than just a little bit worse!

Many people even spend their entire lives unable to overcome this!

But for this eldest princess... maybe it shouldn't be a threshold.

Sooner or later, she will step into the first rank and become the youngest master-level master in the world!

As for how long it will take, maybe a few days, maybe a few months, maybe a year or two...

Lin Jiangnian's eyes were a little complicated, but he still comforted himself... At least she hasn't reached the first level yet!

If you haven’t arrived, you haven’t arrived!

At the same time, Lin Jiangnian also realized another thing... none of the mysterious masters she fought against that night reached the first level!

If he is really Chen Zhao, it also means that Chen Zhao is not a first-class master!

In this way, the situation seems not as bad as imagined!

The gap between the second grade and the first grade is like a chasm!

Although masters who have entered the realm of first-level masters do not have the terrifying ability to destroy mountains and reclaim seas, there are very few people in the world who can kill them!

It is an existence that truly stands almost invincible in the world!

Even if it is placed on the battlefield, it can still be one against a hundred, or even one against a thousand!

Unless it is, after exhausting the inner strength of a first-grade master, he will grind the opponent to death!

As for the second-grade Tianxuan masters, although their strength is still terrifying, they are not completely impossible to deal with.

Thinking of this, Lin Jiangnian was thoughtful, looking at Li Miaomiao in front of him from time to time.

Li Piaomiao looked at him expressionlessly, her expression unmoving.

Lin Jiangnian looked away and sighed softly: "The princess's martial arts talent is really admirable and enviable... Today, among the younger generation..."

"No, even if you look at the whole world, the princess is considered a top-level master, right?!"

Faced with Lin Jiangnian's praise, the eldest princess remained indifferent.

Poker face.

Seeing that she didn't respond, Lin Jiangnian knew that he was asking for trouble, so he immediately mentioned another topic.

"Now that the emperor has passed away, shouldn't some things be sorted out again?"

Lin Jiangnian looked at her: "Can we just think of it as a marriage between you and me?"

Hearing this, Li Mianmiao raised her head slightly and stared at him again.

Lin Jiangnian said: "My marriage was decided by the emperor in the past. Now that the emperor has passed away... As the saying goes, one emperor and one courtier. Well... it may not be accurate, but that's what it means..."

When he said this, Lin Jiangnian's tone was pleasant.

He also didn't expect that the emperor would really die! This can be regarded as a double blessing!

When the emperor dies, the court will be in chaos, and the engagement between him and the eldest princess will have a chance to be terminated...

Double happiness!

Hearing this, Li Pianmiao remained silent, looked at him expressionlessly, and asked, "How to relieve it?"

"Isn't this simple?"

Lin Jiangnian said: "Wait until your prince brother ascends the throne, and let him issue an edict to terminate our engagement?"

Although the prince's intention to immediately terminate the marriage contract set by the late emperor as soon as he ascended the throne was bound to arouse opposition from officials in the court.

But considering the relationship between the eldest princess and the prince, there should be no problem.

After hearing this, Li Mianmiao lowered his eyes and thought, but said nothing.

I seem to be thinking about the feasibility of this method!

"This is the simplest and fastest way!"

Lin Jiangnian stood up, feeling particularly happy that he could perfectly solve the marriage contract problem.

Li Miaomiao raised her eyes and glanced at Lin Jiangnian, seeing that he looked relaxed and seemed a little impatient.

Silent and expressionless.

Not a word!

In the secret room, it gradually fell into dead silence again!

The atmosphere is a bit dull!

No one expected that the two of them would be trapped in the secret room. They searched everywhere in the secret room but could not find the exit.

In the end, I can only give up and be limited by this world!

Lin Jiangnian was a little uncomfortable because the eldest princess was too cold-tempered!

If you get closer, you can feel the coldness overflowing from her body from both inside and outside all the time. After a few more glances, the chill seemed to spread over him.

What's more important...she doesn't like to talk!

The two were trapped in a secret room, idle and idle. Logically speaking, there is nothing to do at the moment. Under normal circumstances, the two of them should chat, exchange experiences, enhance their relationship, etc...

Otherwise, being alone with a man and a woman alone is the best way to enhance ambiguous feelings?

Being alone in a confined space has a unique atmosphere. Under such circumstances, it is extremely easy to have some strange emotions.

However, these had no effect at all on Lin Jiangnian and the eldest princess.

Not to mention ambiguous feelings, even communication is difficult!

No matter Lin Jiangnian brought up any topic or serious matter with her, the eldest princess's expression never changed and her answers were concise and concise.

And most of the time it’s silent!

The silence is so cold and depressing!

People quickly lost all emotions and the mood to communicate with the eldest princess.

The exchange without response seemed like Lin Jiangnian was licking...

I understand everything!

So, Lin Jiangnian gave up!

He simply got up and wandered around the secret room.

At this time, several hours had passed since the two were trapped in the secret room.

Logically speaking, something must be happening outside now. But he was trapped in a secret room and knew nothing about the outside world.

Lin Jiangnian didn't think about it for the time being and wandered around in the secret room.

He always felt that there was something missing in the clues of his thoughts?

It always feels like there is no closed loop!

He looked around and saw that this was where Emperor Ning retreated. It can be seen that it has been carefully built. It is not only a secret room, but also a maze with complex terrain, located under the palace!

Why did Emperor Ning build such a maze when he had nothing to do?

Just to practice in seclusion without being disturbed?

According to time calculation, Emperor Ning spent several years in seclusion in the Health Preservation Hall, most likely in this secret room.

So...will there be any clues left in this secret room?

Thinking of this, Lin Jiangnian's eyes narrowed slightly. With this thought in his mind, he gradually became serious and began to search around the secret room.

Not far away, Li Miaomiao looked at Lin Jiangnian who was suddenly searching in the secret room with cold eyes without saying a word.

It wasn't until after searching for a while that Lin Jiangnian set his sights on the altar where Emperor Ning's body was placed, that Li Miaomiao finally couldn't help but ask, "What do you want to do?"

Lin Jiangnian moved his hands for a moment, then turned back to look at Li Pianmiao's cold eyes, "I, are you looking for clues?"

Li Miaomiao narrowed her eyes slightly: "Don't touch my father!"


After hearing this, Lin Jiangnian gave up the idea of ​​searching for Emperor Ning's body.

Although it was rumored that the eldest princess had a cold personality, had no human feelings, and was inhumane... But after all, the person lying here was the eldest princess's biological father, and Lin Jiangnian still couldn't bear to do anything in front of her.

Continuing to search in other places, Lin Jiangnian returned to the secret room from the beginning.

This secret room had been completely destroyed by Li Miaomiao before. There were rubbles scattered on the ground, cracks appeared on the originally smooth stone walls around it, and half of the columns supporting the secret room were destroyed, as if they were about to collapse at any time.

The furnishings in the entire secret room are extremely simple. Except for the screen that was destroyed during the previous fight with the fake emperor, there are only futons on the ground and a few Buddha statues not far away!

Following the previous fighting, two Buddha statues collapsed, covered with rubble, and the altar where the Buddha statues were placed was also crumbling.

Lin Jiangnian walked forward slowly and looked at these Buddha statues. The Buddha statue is dark, different from the normal gold-plated Buddha statues. In addition, the face on the Buddha statue is also a little strange!


Lin Jiangnian soon discovered that the faces of these Buddha statues seemed a bit... ferocious?

Although it is indeed a Buddha statue, it looks nothing like it at first glance, but if you take a closer look, you will find that there is something weird about this Buddha statue!

It doesn’t look like a normal Buddha statue!

Is there such a difference between Buddha statues?

Lin Jiangnian thought about it, reached out and picked up a fallen Buddha statue on the altar, and took a closer look.

Looking closer, you can see that this Buddha statue is different from ordinary Buddha statues. Although Lin Jiangnian had no research on Buddhist statues, he could still feel it... This ferocious-looking Buddha statue did not look like a serious Buddha statue.

In particular, the whole body is covered in black, as if smeared with black paint, which is strange and permeable. Especially the Buddha statue seems to be solid, heavy and heavy.

Unfortunately, it is not made of gold!

Otherwise, it has to be worth a lot of money.

Lin Jiang young sighed and put the Buddha statue back again. Just as he was about to turn around, he seemed to suddenly remember something and his steps stopped.

Turning back, his gaze fell on the innermost Buddha statue on the altar again, which had not fallen down in the shock of the fight.

It can't be... some kind of switch, right?

This possibility came to Lin Jiangnian's mind. He came to the altar again and reached out to touch the Buddha statue.

But soon, Lin Jiangnian was disappointed!

The Buddha statue was picked up easily, and it was not a button!

Lin Jiangnian sighed, shook his head, and was about to put the Buddha statue back when he suddenly realized something.

He lowered his head, looked at the Buddha statues in his hands, weighed them, then looked at the Buddha statues he put down just now, picked up one in each hand, and weighed them!

Something seems wrong?


Lin Jiangnian squinted his eyes slightly as if he realized something, and used his palms in vain.

Soon, the Buddha statue in his hand gradually bent and deformed under the squeeze of gravity, and then!


With a clear cracking sound, the Buddha statue in Lin Jiangnian's hand fell into pieces.


This Buddha statue is hollow!

As the Buddha statue shattered, a piece of yellow cloth wrapped in the remaining Buddha statue in Lin Jiangnian's hand appeared.

This is……

When he saw the material of this yellow cloth, Lin Jiangnian suddenly realized something.


At this time, the originally dark secret room suddenly lit up!

In the niche embedded in the stone wall of the secret room, the candle was suddenly lit. Lin Jiangnian subconsciously turned around and saw Li Miaomiao in a white dress appearing not far behind him at some point, looking at him expressionlessly.

"when did you come?"

Lin Jiangnian was shocked. Did she make no sound when she walked?

Li Piaomiao did not answer Lin Jiangnian's words, and her beautiful eyes fell on the yellow cloth in the broken Buddha statue in his hand.

"What's this?"

"have no idea."

Lin Jiangnian shook his head, took out the yellow cloth from the Buddha statue, and carefully opened it.


"It's a bit imperial edict?"

"No, it's..."

Lin Jiangnian opened the yellow cloth in his hand. When he saw the content recorded on the yellow cloth, he quickly determined the name of the yellow cloth.



Hearing the word "edict", Li Miaomiao, who originally looked calm, suddenly raised his eyes.

The next second, Lin Jiangnian felt a strong wind blowing in front of his eyes, and then his hand was empty, and the 'edict' disappeared.

Raising his eyes, he saw it already appeared in Li Miaomiao's hand.

Stealing something, right?

Lin Jiangnian was about to speak, but he quickly thought... This edict was really not something he, an outsider, was qualified to read.

Under normal circumstances, if outsiders read the edict, they would be punished by the Nine Clan.

However, the contents of the edict...

When he glanced at it just now, Lin Jiangnian still vaguely remembered some contents. As if he thought of something, the expression on his face condensed slightly.

It gradually changed a bit... I guess I saw it wrong, right?

At this moment, Li Mianmiao lowered her eyes and looked at the 'edict' in her hand with a cold expression. She waited until she had finished reading it and remained silent for a long time, staring at the content of the edict.


"Is this really a posthumous edict?"

Lin Jiangnian asked tentatively.

Not quite right!

How could anyone hide his edict in a place like this?

If he hadn't just been extra careful and noticed that the weight of the Buddha statue was wrong, who would have noticed it?


After a moment of silence, Li Miaomiao's cold voice came.

"It's my father's handwriting!"

"Can handwriting be imitated?"

Lin Jiangnian couldn't help but said: "What if Chen Zhao forged it?"

Li Piaomiao didn't speak, just looked at him quietly.

Lin Jiangnian fell silent as they looked into each other's eyes.

Not too possible!

If Chen Zhao really wanted to forge a will, there was no need to hide it so deeply.

Then, there is only one possibility...this 'edict' was prepared by the Emperor in advance. He was worried that something unexpected would happen, so he hid the edict deeply.

"Can you let me see it again?"

Realizing this, Lin Jiangnian sighed and tried to make one last struggle.

Li Miaomiao was silent for a moment and handed the edict in his hand to Lin Jiangnian.

Lin Jiangnian took the edict and looked down. Although there is still a trace of luck in my heart, but...

No surprises!

With a memory comparable to a photographic memory, he had already learned most of the contents of the edict before. Even if I watch it again, there isn’t much that makes sense.

This is indeed the 'edict' left by Emperor Ning!

The content of the edict is also very simple, with two main points!

The first point: "It is passed down to Prince Li Cunning, who will inherit the Daning Dynasty!"

As for the second point, it has to do with Lin Jiangnian!

The content is also very simple!

"I plan to marry Prince Lin Jiangnian and the eldest princess Li Miaomiao on a certain date. This will comfort my soul in heaven!"

"No mistakes!"


A very simple sentence!

But it made Lin Jiangnian want to curse!

I really want to greet this Emperor Ning... He really has a good plan!

Forced marriage, right?

He actually used a posthumous edict to force the marriage!

Lin Jiangnian's heart was gloomy, and he wanted to scold his mother. Emperor Ning was dead, and he did this before he died!

Isn't this intentionally disgusting?

Once this edict is announced to the world, the problem will be huge!

Previously, Lin Jiangnian was only engaged to Li Miaomiao. Although this marriage contract was given by the emperor, it was not impossible for it to work.

Once the emperor dies, when everyone's attention is diverted, the engagement between the two can be resolved in a perfect way.

But now the emperor has issued such a posthumous edict, which directly determines the nature of this marriage.

"I'm going to die, and my last wish before I die is for you two to get married..."

The power of an imperial edict is completely different from the power of a will!

Lin Jiangnian could fully expect that once this 'edict' was spread, his marriage to Li Miaomiao would almost be a foregone conclusion!

No matter how reluctant the two of them are, even if the prince ascends the throne and becomes the emperor, it can't change the fact...

Once you refuse to marry, it is a complete rebellion!

What you are resisting is the decree!

It doesn’t matter who comes!

The late emperor's decree is so terrifying.


Lin Jiangnian stared at the edict in his hand, a sharp coldness flashing in his eyes.

This ‘edict’ must not be allowed to spread.

"what you up to?"

Li Miaomiao on the side was keenly aware of the change in Lin Jiangnian's aura and frowned slightly.

"This edict cannot be kept."

Lin Jiangnian looked up at her and said seriously: "If this word spreads, we two will be doomed!"

Li Piaomiao stared at this 'edict' and said nothing.

Of course she realized it.

The edict is the last thing left by the father.

My father had long known that she might not be willing or even resist... Therefore, my father left such a 'edict'.

This edict will cut off all her escape routes.

Don't give her a chance to object!

"so what?"

Li Piaomiao looked at him and asked.

"It must be destroyed!"

Lin Jiangnian was decisive.

This 'edict' is like a tight spell and must not be left behind.

Fortunately, Lin Jiangnian and Li Mianmiao are the only ones here tonight who know about the edict and are the only ones who have read it.

As long as this edict is destroyed, no one will know that Emperor Ning left a edict.

Without knowing it, nothing happened!

Speaking of this, Lin Jiangnian planned to tear up the 'edict'.


Li Piaomiao suddenly spoke and stopped him.


Li Piaomiao was silent for a moment and said: "It cannot be destroyed!"


Lin Jiangnian looked at him with doubts in his eyes: "Keeping this edict will do no good to you or me."

Li Piaomiao looked cold and was silent for a long time before speaking: "It must be kept."

As she spoke, she paused and then said: "The prince has not yet ascended the throne, and the situation is not yet stable... This edict must be kept!"

Lin Jiangnian understood. She wanted to keep the edict to ensure that the prince could sit on the throne safely?

Indeed, there are concerns in this regard!

"But, it would be a disaster to keep it..."

Lin Jiangnian was worried. This edict was indeed useful, but if it were really released, it would be very detrimental to the two parties involved.

"Keep it for now!"

Li Piaomiao said calmly: "You may not need it, but keep it... just in case!"


Lin Jiangnian hesitated.

He was absolutely unwilling to spread this edict.

Destroying corpses and eradicating traces is the best!

But Li Piaomiao's words are not unreasonable.

Seeing Lin Jiangnian's hesitation, Li Miaomiao was silent for a while, then looked at him and said, "Don't worry, not everyone can see the edict... You don't have to worry, you will be forced to marry me when the time comes."

Lin Jiangnian always felt that it was a little strange for the eldest princess to say this, but he still let go of his worries.

That's right, not everyone is qualified to read the imperial edict. There are very few people who can see the imperial edict. It doesn't mean that there is no room for operation. More importantly, if the prince can successfully ascend the throne, he will not need this edict!

Thinking of this, Lin Jiangnian felt slightly relieved.

"Then, this edict..."

Lin Jiangnian asked, but Li Pianmiao didn't speak, just looked at him quietly.

"Since it is a testament, it should be kept by you, princess."

Lin Jiangnian returned the imperial edict to her.

Li Miaomiao took the edict, glanced at it, folded it and put it away.

"Okay, now it's time to figure out how to get out... We can't really be trapped here and die, right?"

Lin Jiang young laughed, and when he was about to say something, he saw the eldest princess, who had a cold face, suddenly frowned coldly. There seemed to be a flash of pain on the cold and unparalleled face.

Immediately, his figure shook.

The whole person seemed to have suddenly become weak.

"What’s wrong with you?"

Lin Jiangnian was slightly startled, and after taking a closer look, he noticed that something seemed wrong with the eldest princess.

Status, wrong!

As if...injured!

Lin Jiangnian seemed to have thought of something: "You haven't recovered from your injury last time?!"

On the night of New Year's Eve, Lin Jiangnian noticed that the eldest princess seemed to be injured. Seeing her looking like this now, could it be that the injury has not healed yet?

"No problem!"

Li Miaomiao spoke coldly, her tone still neither cold nor indifferent, but seemed to be mixed with a hint of urgency. She left suddenly and quickly.

"Where are you going?"

Lin Jiangnian subconsciously spoke. Seeing that Li Miaomiao didn't pay attention to him, he hesitated and followed.

When he walked into the secret room next to him, he saw Li Miaomiao coming to a clean corner of the secret room, sitting down cross-legged, closing his eyes, and slowly exercising.

As she circulated her internal energy, the entire secret room felt as if it was filled with frost, and the temperature dropped sharply.

Lin Jiangnian couldn't help but shudder, and took back the foot he had just stepped into the secret room.

With doubtful eyes, he stared at Li Miaomiao not far away who closed his eyes and performed martial arts, and his whole person entered a mysterious state.

In the secret room, the sharp air of ice filled the air!

Extremely terrifying.

This made Lin Jiangnian very stunned and surprised.

What kind of skills does she practice?

Why is it so cold? !


In the palace wall courtyard.

Cold light passed by.

The cold figure stood in the courtyard, the green sword in his hand glowing coldly.

The cold wind howled and swept through the courtyard.

The ground is a mess!

She slowly raised her head, her beautiful eyes staring calmly at the rickety figure in gray robe in front of her.


The hunched figure in gray robe seemed to be in disbelief, and a look of astonishment appeared on his old face, staring at the cold woman in front of him.

Immediately, his head slowly lowered, and his eyes fell on his lower abdomen.

Blood, flowing horizontally!

It flows slowly on the ground along the gray robe.

He lost!

Lost to this cold woman in front of me!

At this moment, bursts of rapid footsteps came from outside the palace wall.

"Over here, there's something moving over here!"

"Hurry up, don't let him get away!"


The sound of rapid footsteps came from far away and soon broke into the palace courtyard.

At the same time, the cold woman standing in the courtyard glanced back at the rickety figure in gray robe. She sheathed her sword without hesitation, turned around, jumped up, used Qing Kung Fu to jump down to the palace wall, and jumped again. The figure disappeared without a trace.

At this moment, a large number of imperial guards arrived one after another and broke into the courtyard.

"Here he is!"

"Chen Zhao's castrated dog must die quickly!"

Dozens of imperial guards surrounded the entire courtyard, including Chen Zhao, who was wearing a gray robe in the courtyard.

Everyone noticed that there was a fight in the courtyard just now. And now, the rickety figure in gray robes in front of them... the most trusted eunuch around the emperor in the past, a powerful old gelding!

At this moment, he stood in the middle of the courtyard as if he was completely discouraged.

Blood is still flowing from his lower abdomen... Is he injured? !

The eyes of the Imperial Guards present were excited, but still no one dared to step forward.

Not long ago, the terrifying strength displayed by the old gelding in front of him made everyone present fearful.

"Chen Yigou, you are so audacious that you dare to assassinate the prince and the prince of the dynasty. You deserve death. Why don't you surrender quickly?!"

Facing the cold shout from the commander of the imperial guards, Chen Zhao stood in the center of the crowd and looked at the surrounding imperial guards expressionlessly.

Not a word!

"Get him!"

Finally, the commander of the Forbidden Army Guards gave an order, and the masters of the Forbidden Army Guards who had been standing around for a long time finally swarmed forward.


Chen Zhao, who was standing on the spot, snorted coldly, suddenly flicked his sleeves, and beat the approaching imperial guard to death on the spot!

Even though he was seriously injured and currently dying, his strength should not be underestimated.

However, there are too many Imperial Guards around!

Among them, there are many masters!

Just when Chen Zhaogang beat two imperial guards to death, a spear drove straight in from behind and pierced his waist.


There was another dull snort, and Chen Zhao's figure suddenly froze.


Spitting out a mouthful of blood, he swayed and suddenly used his palm in anger to repel the imperial guard who was sneaking up behind him.

But at this moment, the rest of the Imperial Guards all around came out again.



This time, Chen Zhao failed to dodge and hold on, and was instantly penetrated by several sharp weapons!

His body suddenly froze in place!

His eyes were absent-minded, and the light in his pupils dissipated little by little.

Finally, his arms were weak and he fell down!

Head drooped.

"Dead, dead?!"

There was silence.

The Imperial Guards present watched this scene with vigilance, still not daring to relax.

Seeing Chen Zhao being stabbed through the body and motionless, the commander of the imperial guard felt a little uneasy, worried that he was being deceived, and had people stab him a few more times. Only when Chen Zhao was about to be stabbed into pieces did he finally feel relieved!


Finally dead!

The commander of the imperial guards was relieved. This old gelding had caused him great pressure. Fortunately, I finally lived up to His Highness’ mission and killed him!

"Come here, take Chen Gout's body back and hand it over to His Highness!"


After the guards of the Forbidden Army gradually retreated, the commander of the Forbidden Army glanced at the ground around him with some confusion... What was the origin of the master who seriously injured Chen Zhao just now?

Thinking of this, the commander of the Forbidden Army left in a hurry.


Outside the Health Palace, in the attic not far away.

The cold figure landed on it silently.

"Sister Zhiyuan, are you back?!"

In the attic, Lin Qingqing stepped forward quickly, her expression a little excited and excited. She looked at Zhiyuan up and down, and then relaxed after making sure that Zhiyuan was not injured.

Thinking of this, Lin Qingqing couldn't help but feel a little scared!

Sister Zhiyuan's character is still maverick as always. Although Sister Zhiyuan has changed a lot since being with His Highness, Sister Zhiyuan's behavior style has not changed.

Not long ago, Chen Zhao escaped from the Health Palace, and Sister Zhiyuan chased after him without saying a word.

This made Lin Qingqing nervous and worried. She had seen it all just now. The strength shown by Chen Zhao when he assassinated the prince was not weak. Lin Qingqing probably guessed that he should be a master of the second-level Tianxuan realm!

Faced with such a master, most people would choose to avoid his sharp edge, but Sister Zhiyuan did not hesitate at all, and directly chased after him and killed him!

As for the reason...

Lin Qingqing quietly guessed that it was Sister Zhiyuan who learned that Chen Zhao had trapped His Highness and the eldest princess in the secret room, right?

Lin Qingqing asked: "Sister Zhiyuan, Chen Zhao..."



Hearing this news, Lin Qingqing's hanging heart relaxed slightly.

Just die.

Chen Zhao's martial arts is not weak, and it would be a disaster if he were left here.

At the same time, Lin Qingqing couldn't help but marvel.

I just saw that Chen Zhao seemed to have the strength of the second-grade Tianxuan, but he still died in the hands of Sister Zhiyuan. How is Sister Zhiyuan's strength now?

While Lin Qingqing was guessing, Zhiyuan also frowned slightly, seeming to be thinking about something.

"That's not right!"

She spoke softly.


Lin Qingqing raised her head: "What's wrong!"

"Chen Zhao..."

Zhiyuan thought for a long time and frowned: "That's not right!"

What was wrong, she couldn't tell for a while.

It always feels like... it seems a little too simple? !

Unable to figure out the problem for the time being, Zhiyuan didn't think about it any more. He looked coldly into the health palace in front of him and asked about the situation: "How's it going?"

Lin Qingqinghui reported: "Sister Zhiyuan, it has been confirmed that His Highness is trapped in the secret room. His Highness the Crown Prince was already trying to break into the secret room just now, but the secret room is locked. The Crown Prince and the others have nothing to do for the time being..."

Upon hearing the news, Zhiyuan's eyes were slightly cold: "Can't you open it?"

"The specific situation is not clear."

Lin Qingqing shook her head: "I was afraid of being discovered, so I didn't get too close... The prince was assassinated, and there were too many masters gathered in the Health Palace. Sister Zhiyuan shouldn't stay here for a long time, otherwise it would be bad if she was discovered later..."

She and Sister Zhiyuan quietly entered the palace today. If the prince's people discovered her, it would be difficult to explain today.

However, Zhiyuan remained indifferent and still stood quietly, staring at the Health Palace not far away.

Lin Qingqing guessed Sister Zhiyuan's thoughts and said, "Don't worry too much. There is also the eldest princess trapped in the secret room. The eldest princess has a good relationship with the prince. The prince will definitely find a way to rescue her..."

It was okay for Lin Qingqing not to mention it. When she mentioned the eldest princess, she clearly felt that the breath of Sister Zhiyuan next to her seemed to be colder!

Subconsciously, he raised his head and saw that there was no emotional change on Sister Zhiyuan's face, so he looked back at her.

Lin Qingqing's heart skipped a beat.

Damn it, I said the wrong thing!

I almost forgot that His Highness and the eldest princess were trapped in the secret room together...

This is just great!

Is it wrong for a man and a woman to be alone together? !

...No wonder Sister Zhiyuan is so worried!

What if His Highness and the eldest princess are alone together and fall in love?

Lin Qingqing was worried. Her Royal Highness was handsome and talented, so the eldest princess would definitely be attracted to him. As for the eldest princess... Based on Lin Qingqing's understanding of His Highness's virtues after following her for the past year.

Your Highness will definitely like it!

Not to mention His Highness, even Lin Qingqing was amazed at the eldest princess's alluring appearance after seeing her once.

With that appearance, that temperament, that identity...can His Highness let it go?

How could Lin Qingqing not know His Highness's virtues?

Lin Qingqing couldn't help but guess... Although His Highness still has nothing to do with the eldest princess, there is a reason.

If His Highness had not been the match for the eldest princess, the eldest princess might have had a second child now!

"Sister Zhiyuan, I, that's not what I meant..."

Lin Qingqing subconsciously explained: "Your Highness, Your Highness must..."

Just as Lin Qingqing was trying to explain and appease Sister Zhiyuan, Zhiyuan just quietly retracted her gaze and turned around to leave.

"Sister Zhiyuan, where are you going?!"

Lin Qingqing asked quickly.


Zhiyuan left without looking back.


In the health palace.

Everything is settled.

As Chen Zhao fled, the rest of the guards in the Yangsheng Palace lost their backbone and dropped their weapons and surrendered.

The remaining Mitiansi cronies around Chen Zhao saw that the situation was not good and tried to escape, but were soon surrounded by the imperial guards and were eventually arrested after being defeated.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince's Imperial Guards successfully took over the entire Health Palace and took control of the situation!

Right now, the courtyard is in a mess.

Prince Li Cunning stood expressionlessly under the eaves outside the palace, looking expressionlessly at the courtyard where rows of imperial guards were kneeling on the ground.

In the center of the yard, there was a corpse.

"Your Highness, the rebel Chen Zhao has been killed on the spot by his subordinates. Please deal with it, Your Highness!"

The commander of the Imperial Guard knelt on one knee and spoke in a deep voice.

After hearing the news, Li Cunning's eyes fell on the corpse in the courtyard.

Immediately afterwards, he walked into the courtyard and walked slowly under the protection of the guards beside him.

He stopped and stared at the body in front of him.


Having been pierced by a sword, his body was already somewhat changed beyond recognition.

But I can still recognize that's Chen Zhao!

Li Cunning's face was a little pale, wondering if he was disgusted by this scene.

He took a deep breath, gradually calmed down, and looked away!


For him, there were not many waves in his heart!

Chen Zhao, he will kill sooner or later!

Originally, he planned to wait until his father died before he could deal with the biggest eunuch and traitor in the court.

Unexpectedly, he would take the initiative!

It almost cost him his life!

Thinking of this, Li Cunning seemed to have thought of something and turned around: "Where is the leader of the Mitian Division, Chen Changqing?"

The guard next to him said: "This man was seriously injured. His injuries were very minor and he is in a coma!"

"Save him!"

Li Cunning's voice was low and hoarse: "I want him to live!"

"As you command!"

Li Cunning withdrew his gaze and said coldly: "Chen Zhao assassinated Gu, intending to rebel, and beheaded him in public to serve as a warning to others!"



After giving the instructions, Li Cunning turned around and looked into the hall behind him with a solemn expression.

Chen Zhao's problem has been solved, but the crisis in front of him has not yet been resolved.

The secret sealed!

Father Huang, Miao Miao, and Prince Lin are all trapped in the secret room.

It hasn’t been resolved yet!

At this moment, a figure walked out of the palace quickly.

"How's it going?"

Li Cunning asked.

"Your Highness, the secret door in the secret room is extremely strong. I can't find the mechanism and can't open it at all..."

"It can't be opened even with brute force?"

Li Cunning's eyes turned cold.

"Already tried..."

The guard lowered his head and said in a deep voice: "The stone door has not been opened, but the secret room seems to be... about to collapse!"

"If you continue to use brute force to break down the door, I'm afraid that your majesty and the eldest princess will be buried by the collapse of the house before the stone door is opened..."

Li Cunning's face changed slightly: "Is there no other way?!"

"Your Highness, when Your Majesty designed this secret room, there was a secret door just in case... If the secret door falls, I'm afraid..."

"Can't open it!"

As soon as these words came out, Li Cunning's face turned pale and he staggered.

"Your Highness, be careful..."

Li Cunning waved his hand, his eyes were cold and gloomy, almost cannibalistic.

"Think of a way, go find a way for me!"

"No matter what the cost, we must rescue Gu Pian Miao... and my father!"



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