Trillion Market Capitalization is not a Dream

Chapter 222 Can’t look for Chuan Chuan’er

Song Zhiyuan said: "The material manager needs a deputy to take care of miscellaneous materials and small purchases. Can the newly merged projects be integrated into a team? Mr. Tong needs to think about it.

Grassroots technical staff: recruitment + training + stability, the project manager is only regarded as an organizer.

Top-down promotion may not be good, training is for your benefit.

What if the business unit wants to complete one billion next year?

According to preliminary estimates, there is a shortage of about six project directors.

Xu Anping is currently in charge of 61 people, and Liao Changjiang is in charge of 21 people.

A project department worth RMB 100 million requires approximately 40 people to manage, and a project department worth RMB 1 billion requires 400 people.

There are only a hundred people now, and the output value is about 300 million, but there are manpower gaps everywhere.

The municipal government currently has more than 200 people to handle about 500 million. According to this calculation, it will require nearly 400 people to handle 1 billion.

President Tong's people can basically be divided into two organized project departments, and the missing manpower will be supplemented by new people.

The four vice presidents wrote orders to Li Wenwen and completed the reserve of human resources before the end of the year.

We must learn to cherish the people around us and use their strengths.

The greening labor service is left to the vice president of production to explore. The labor service will become a big bottleneck for development at the beginning of the year. "

Tong Ling said: "The most confusing thing is the labor service. The technical skills are poor. The planted seedlings are dead. There is no artistic effect, let alone business results.

One company's labor service is managed in a military style, and its units are regiments, battalions, companies, platoons, squads, etc.

Labor urgently needs organic organization. "

Liao Changjiang said: "The labor service and teams are relatively fixed now, and the responsibility can be assigned to each person.

There is a serious shortage of human resources. Team leaders and workers with pruning skills should be paid more.

Trained workers require stability and to avoid being stuck at work, small subcontracting can be adopted.

Wages are low and the team is unstable.

Generally speaking, it is easier for the wife of the village party secretary to help solve the problem of shortage of migrant workers. "

Peng Siyuan said: "The problem of high wages for part-time workers must be solved in a given quantity. It must have its own technical team and form a better assessment method. Whether greening labor subcontracting should use its own workers depends on the specific environmental conditions of the project. To make sure, don’t be one-size-fits-all. We need to change how we manage technicians, and we can’t treat them like ordinary workers.”

Liao Changjiang said: "For the division of labor, the remuneration can be treated differently. General workers can earn about more than 2,000 yuan a month, which is easier to stabilize."

Tong Ling said: "The pruning team leader needs to be a little higher. The efficiency of our own workers is many times higher than that of temporary workers. It can also reduce the management risks of project managers."

Song Zhiyuan said: "According to the current situation of the company, it is impossible to rely solely on the company to support its own team of workers. It is impossible to support so many workers. Pilot projects are already underway, but there are no clear results yet. We still need to Retain some high-quality greening labor teams.

Regarding pruning and lifting, a production vice president requires a team of about 50 people.

365 days x 50 people x 120 yuan per day = 2.19 million yuan.

After these workers worked for two months,

Start paying him the previous month's salary, and the Spring Festival salary will be deferred until he starts working next year. With a two-year time limit, within this time gap, we will recruit the best greening construction team.

It is very easy to increase the survival rate of seedlings by 5%, so it is recommended to find a large greening labor team to develop. "

Peng Siyuan said: "Stones must at least find supplier shops to control risks, and we must not find Chuanchuan'er for stone materials. Otherwise, when the money is paid, people will run away, and we won't know where to cry."

Song Zhiyuan spoke: “As for the team’s issues:

1. It is necessary to support one or two people and let them develop and grow.

2. Dig and search within the company’s internal information.

3. Dig and search externally.

Always look for it consciously.

How are the corporate quotas of other business units implemented? People from the Ministry of Commerce are going to investigate and find out. Recently, I have heard some people say that the price of our enterprise quota is too low and unreasonable. "

Hua Baibai agreed: "The enterprise quotas were worked out in advance by the cost center and were compiled with reference to Kyoto's quota levels.

When each project uses enterprise quotas, the quota can be adjusted according to local floor material prices, and the labor cost is allowed to fluctuate within 10%. "

Lei Bing said: "As for the target responsibility letter, it is currently only compiled by the business department and requires the project manager to sign it, which is actually unreasonable.

It is recommended to measure the cost of the project again before discussing it with the business department. True cost + team selection can all be implemented together.

Source of shortlisted teams: First ask if there are any recommended teams on the project. The company will clearly state the recommended teams. Some teams in Nanshan have been negotiated for one round. It will be easier for the bidding to be successful if they are compared and selected. Otherwise, the quotation may be quite confusing. The project director must be in place when opening bids. "

Han Jiangcai spoke: "The bidding plan of the project has been confirmed and is in use, and it must be countersigned. The project manager and the vice president of production sign to choose whether the bid will be opened in the project department or the business department. The bid opening does not determine who wins the bid. The bid can be determined after negotiation."

Song Zhiyuan said: "It is not difficult to explain why there are emotions in production. Engineering personnel must participate in the bidding and second negotiation. People from the Ministry of Commerce have contacted and solicited opinions. The project manager has a preference for the team because He understands the team better, which will be more conducive to his management in future project implementation. ”

Hua Baibai said: "We have done our job well and communicated well. Now it is inappropriate to say that we have not participated. Is there a misunderstanding? Guidance prices are necessary and should be controlled within reasonable profits. Do not create opposition and do not want to be commercial. If you insist on having your own way, the benchmark will be determined by the people who produce it.”

Song Zhiyuan said: "When the business department goes to work, the last people to leave at night are all people from the commerce department. They have been operating at overload.

Mr. Lei has been an old employee for more than ten years.

I hope this kind of meeting will be held frequently in a small area.

The work of recruiting personnel and forming new teams must start immediately.

The problem of labor team resources and the problem of stone team suppliers must also be taken into action immediately to solve.

This concludes this meeting, thank you all.

The meeting adjourned. "

Hua Baibai stood up and shouted: "Please stop for a moment. At nine o'clock tomorrow morning, all the personnel from the Ministry of Commerce who are back for the meeting this time + the personnel from the Ministry of Commerce in Beijing will meet in the small conference room No. 3 of the business department."

Zhang Yunqing quietly went to Hua Centennial Hui and reported: "Mr. Hua, I still have many urgent matters to deal with in the Nanshan project. Can I not attend the meeting tomorrow morning?"

Hua Baibai replied: "No, Yun Qing, this meeting organized by General Song is very important. The work of our Ministry of Commerce must also be discussed and determined by the meeting tomorrow to determine the key work directions for the future, so we cannot be absent."

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