The training meeting organized by Bai Qingting lasted for a whole day and did not end until after ten o'clock in the evening.

This training will have a greater impact on the participants.

From Bai Qingting's speech, everyone realized Bai Qingting's eagerness to manage the company well, and also realized that it is also difficult to manage the company well.

The personal experience of the participants is that working in such a listed company makes people feel very motivated.

The company boss always thinks about his employees.

There is also huge room for advancement for most employees.

The format of Sunday's training was changed. People from each business department discussed and exchanged the content of Bai Qingting's speech at the core-level training meeting, and discussed specific implementation plans for some ideas.

Discussions in each business unit will be recorded in written form. After these opinions are collected, they will be discussed by senior executives and then reported to Bai Qingting for a decision.

Zhang Yunqing's discussion group, which consisted of more than ten people, conducted a brainstorming experiment under the leadership of a Western architecture lecturer.

The lecturer asked: "Everyone is asked to write on the whiteboard ways to improve the gross profit margin of the project. You can ignore what others have written and just write whatever comes to mind."

Each person takes a turn writing their method in the form of words or phrases on the whiteboard.

“Lower costs, increase quotes.”

“Make unbalanced bids when bidding.”

“Be sure to check the price of flooring materials before bidding to ensure that the individual quotation list does not lose money.”

“The materials provided were within the limits allowed by the specifications, lowering quality standards.”

“Use design changes to eliminate loss-list items during construction.”

"Optimizing the construction plan."

"Reasonable labor subcontracting model."

"Streamline the project organization, rationally allocate project department members, and reduce indirect costs."

"Improving the professional quality of business managers."

"Strengthen cooperation between technical departments and commercial departments."

“The project department works with owners, supervisors, cost consulting units, etc. to create a good construction environment for project implementation.”

"Properly allocate production resources, do not avoid production conflicts, and solve project problems in a timely manner."

“Control unproductive expenditures.”

After the lecturer waits for the discussion group members to finish writing, he arranges for the recorder to process the information written by the discussion group members on the whiteboard.

The first is to remove duplicate content.

Then leave the rest of the content and make statistics on the remaining content that everyone thinks is most important.

These opinions were reordered so that the most important were put first.

The lecturer said: "Thank you for everyone's cooperation. Today our form has formed a relatively complete collection of methods to improve the gross profit margin of the project.

Let's see, the result is that it will bring out many more different opinions than if we were to figure it out on our own, right? "


“So, please learn this brainstorming method in your future work.

This method allows us to gather and unify everyone's ideas in a short period of time.

It allows us to easily apply collective wisdom to assist our daily work. "

“The example I’m going to talk about today is to write down ways to increase the gross profit margin of a project.

In fact, everyone can draw inferences when necessary. "

"For example: write down ways to improve the quality of on-site granite paving."

"For example: write down how to apply for a visa."

"For example: write down how to strictly control visa applications."

"For example: write down how to process and rush to the work schedule."

"Wait a minute, there are countless examples and needs like this in actual work."

“As long as you master the correct method, it can make everyone’s work easier.”

The Minister of Commerce also spent a hundred years talking to everyone about the work requirements and work red lines of the Ministry of Commerce.

I hope everyone knows enough not to step on those red lines.

Colleagues from the Compliance Department made a unified presentation of the company's compliance policies to everyone at the conference, announced a reporting hotline, and asked everyone to seek truth from facts in actual work, do everything for the benefit and development of the company, and not to do anything that goes against the company's interests. inappropriate things.

The working principles of the compliance department were also announced. Generally, they will not take the initiative to check compliance matters in the project department, but each project department is required to publicize compliance policies.

One thing I would also like to remind participants is that all reports must be verified.

Are there too many compliance problems? It will seriously affect the development of the department, so I hope everyone will abide by the law and not touch the red lines involving compliance.

The purpose of establishing the compliance department is not to cause trouble for everyone, but to protect cadres and to safeguard the healthy development of the company.

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The Compliance Department also tells everyone: Just think more about the company at work. The Compliance Department will not punish people easily, as long as it makes sense and makes sense.

Because the existence of the compliance department is actually a double-edged sword. First, does it make everyone's behavior more legal and compliant? Second, it does make everyone feel constrained.

Therefore, the principle that the Compliance Department currently operates is that if there is no report, there will be no investigation.

Everyone is required to correctly view and understand this problem in the compliance department.

The two-day training ended quickly? Zhou Wencheng took the time to go back to his home in Kyoto after the meeting, and made an appointment to return to the Nanshan Project Department at Kyoto Airport together.

After the meeting, Zhao Manfu took the initiative to meet with some people, such as the person in charge of human resources Li Wenwen, Hua Baibai, Song Zhiyuan, the person in charge of the financial center Feng Shilan, the person in charge of the art department Dugu Lingyun, etc., and of course he also went to Bai Jianwen.

Some small gifts were carefully prepared for each of them, such as tea, perfume, etc. They were all very small, exquisite and unconventional gifts.

After finishing these things, Zhao Manfu was already very tired when he returned to the hotel, but he hadn't had dinner yet, so it wasn't a big deal.

Zhao Manfu called Zhang Yunqing and asked, "Have you had dinner?"

"I didn't eat. I have been communicating with Yu Danzhen about the project since I returned to the hotel."

"Is it empty now?"

"I just finished my phone call with Yu Danzhen, nothing happened.

Have you returned to the hotel? "

"Yeah, I didn't eat either.

Come on, let's go out and find a place to eat. "

"Okay, I'll wait for you in the lobby."

After Zhang Yunqing finished talking to Zhao Manfu on the phone, he took the elevator to the hotel lobby and waited for Zhao Manfu to come downstairs.

Zhao Manfu walked in front after going downstairs, and Zhang Yunqing followed him tacitly.

The two of them were walking and watching on the side of the road. Since it was so late, there was basically no place to eat nearby except for barbecue restaurants.

The two discussed and chose a place that looked delicious.

While eating and chatting, the conversation became more energetic. Two hours later, the two of them left the barbecue stall still unsatisfied.

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