Trillion Market Capitalization is not a Dream

Chapter 593: Bowan Phase 1 Verification Settlement

After hearing this, Zhao Manfu said: "Mr. Song, can you report the settlement of the first phase of Bowan before the Lunar New Year?"

Song Xiaoshan replied: "I was about to be kicked out some time ago, so I didn't think about this issue.

In addition, the construction of the first phase of the Bowen landscape improvement project has not yet been fully completed.

Maybe it will be a bit difficult for me to report before the Lunar New Year this year.

The previous things are not completely clear yet and are still a mess. "

Zhao Manfu asked Jin Haoran again: "Do you agree with what Mr. Song said?"


It’s just our settlement documents. For us, the sooner we submit them, the more beneficial it will be to us. As long as another review step is added, the time and money we have to pay will not be small. "

"I understand what you mean.

Yun Qing, what do you think about the settlement issue? "

"Mr. Zhao, Mr. Song, metal workers.

Regarding the settlement issue above, I also agree that the sooner the report is filed, the better.

But how well are we preparing for settlement now? "

Song Xiaoshan asked: "According to your understanding, what preparations are there?"

Zhang Yunqing replied: "I have just arrived at the company, and no one has told me clearly what the settlement process is.

But if you think about it according to the regular settlement declaration review process.

We need to provide information first, including but not limited to:

1. Construction contract documents and supplementary contract documents

2. Progress payment application documents

3. Construction drawings

4. Design change order

5. As-built drawing

6. Material quality confirmation price list

7. Completion acceptance report

8. Visa negotiation information

9. Settlement declaration documents. "

Song Xiaoshan replied: "Mr. Zhang, I don't think there is much information about the information you mentioned now."

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Metalworker, does our project department currently have the nine types of materials I mentioned?"

Jin Haoran replied: "It must be uneven."

Zhang Yunqing replied: "If they are not all in order, it will be difficult to match the settlement documents.

Moreover, in addition to being handed over to me for review, the upward settlement declaration documents prepared by our project department must also be submitted to the business department’s designated person for review and approval before the upward settlement is submitted for review with the official seal. . "

Jin Haoran replied: "If we want to complete the review, we probably won't be able to keep up with Su Xiashan's review alone."

Zhang Yunqing replied: "On this matter, we can only do our best and obey fate. The best way to catch up is with Su Xiashan's own review.

If you can't keep up, you'll only have to spend a lot of time and money communicating.

You go to Su Xiashan tomorrow to find out specifically what the rules are for submitting their settlement review documents for review, and what documents are required?

Then, come back and clean up the main files I just mentioned to see which ones we have and which ones we don’t.

If so, where is the file? Find him.

If not, it needs to be compiled and implemented by people.

In other words, after you sort out the situation, you need to discuss it with Mr. Song, and the overall arrangements for the settlement work must be implemented on everyone.

Make a plan to match the settlement time points. "

Jin Haoran replied: "Okay, but this matter is probably more complicated.

In the middle of the first phase of the Bowan project, all the production people were replaced. The current production people are not clear about the original things.

They can only draw as-built drawings based on the original construction drawings and design change orders they can find. "

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Yes, there is another way to plug the loopholes."

Zhao Manfu said: "Speak quickly."

Zhang Yunqing replied: "That is to complete all the settlements immediately, refer to the settlement content, and correct the as-built drawings.

The suppliers I deal with must be aware of some problems during project implementation. During the settlement review process, they will promptly inform the production people of these problems.

Whatever needs to be reflected in the as-built drawings should be reflected in it. "

Song Xiaoshan replied: "What Mr. Zhang said is a good way. Under the current circumstances, it is indeed much better than us going through the settlement without knowing anything.

Well, metalworker, have you finished the settlement at the beginning? "

Jin Haoran replied: "Not yet."

Song Xiaoshan expressed confusion and asked: "It has been so long since the first phase of the project was completed. Why not handle the settlement for the next phase?"

Jin Haoran replied: "Because our counterparty contract has stipulated that the settlement of the counterparty must be completed after the settlement of the counterparty is completed."

Zhang Yunqing asked: "So, the method I just mentioned violates the contract signed between the company and the next party?"

Jin Haoran replied: "If you take the literal meaning of the contract, it means exactly what you said. It violates the contract signed between the company and the next party."

Zhang Yunqing thought for a while and then asked: "Is there any way to review the settlement of the next party without violating the contract signed between the company and the next party?"

Jin Haoran looked at Zhang Yunqing angrily and said, "Mr. Zhang, this is obviously a contradictory matter, how can it be resolved?"

Zhang Yunqing ignored Jin Haoran's anger and continued: "Let's assume that we start asking each customer to submit their settlement documents now. There is no problem with this."

Jin Haoran replied: "I also think there is no problem in asking the next party to submit his settlement documents."

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Okay.

Then we began to organize relevant personnel in production, materials, seedlings, and budget to check their settlement documents with the next party. After gathering the key data such as project quantity, unit price, and total price, neither of us signed.

Leave it there and don't move him.

We then prepare the counterparty's settlement declaration documents based on this data, and after the approval of the counterparty's settlement document, we compare the next party's unsigned settlement document with the approval document of the counterparty's settlement document.

If the project quantity for lower settlement is less than or equal to the approved amount for upper settlement, it will be approved directly.

If the project quantity for lower settlement is greater than the approved amount for upper settlement, what should be done according to the contract? metalworking. "

Jin Haoran replied: "According to the contract, the project quantity for the lower settlement must be less than or equal to the approved amount for the upper settlement."

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Zhang Yunqing replied: "Okay, the settlement can be revised according to this principle at this time and then go through the company's internal approval process."

Song Xiaoshan replied: "I think this method is feasible, and both upper and lower data are guaranteed."

Zhao Manfu replied: "Yes, I think this method is acceptable. Yun Qing will call Hua Baibai tomorrow and ask. If he agrees to this method, he will let the metalworker arrange it this way."

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Okay, I will find a time during the day tomorrow to call Mr. Hua Baibaihua and ask for instructions on this matter. If you agree, things in our project department will be easier to handle."

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