Longevity Of 4.6 Billion Years: The Beginning Was Exposed By The Star List

Longevity Of 4.6 Billion Years: The Beginning Was Exposed By The Star List


220 Chapters Ongoing Status


The nine stars are in a row, the sun and the moon are in the same sky, and the star list descends.

Numerous lists are presented on top of the star list.

"Fortune List"

10th: Dylan Morgan... 1st: Lin Shu

"Ancient Architecture List"

Tenth: Hanging Gardens of Babylon...First: Lin Mansion

Wealth List, Family List, Ancient Building List, Ancient Book List, Longevity List.

With the emergence of these lists, the past that has been buried in the dust has emerged one after another.

"Fuck, Bill, Abayun, and Tengyunma are not on the wealth list?"

"By the way, this Lin Mansion can't be the Immortal Palace, why has it existed for 2 billion years!"

"The oldest books, "Lin Yu", "Lin's Survival Collection", and "Lin's Secret Collection", what the hell is this? Why is it older than the Book of Changes?"

"Hey, why is it Lin Shu again? Who the hell is he, and why has he lived for 4.6 billion years?"


For a time, the whole world was in an uproar, and the whole world was shocked!

Lin Shu: I have lived for 4.6 billion years, will I finally be exposed?


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