Datang: After Self-Explosive Time Travel, Li Er's Mentality Collapsed

Datang: After Self-Explosive Time Travel, Li Er's Mentality Collapsed


195 Chapters Ongoing Status


Chu Ze accidentally traveled through the Zhenguan period. As a time traveler, he did not have the legendary Gold Finger.

Facing this era of choosing people and devouring them, he found that Life is really too difficult.

Therefore, he chose to blew himself up as a traverser.

Li Er: Since you said you are from the future, then tell me, how will the prince rule the country in the future?

Chu Ze: Uh...Prince Li Chengqian, who loves Longyang... rebelled, failed, and died in depression. How can he govern the country even if he is not enthroned?

Li Er: What about Li Tai? Chengqian failed to ascend the throne, Qingque and he...

Chu Ze: In order to prevent brothers from killing each other, after the prince's rebellion failed, King Wei was placed under house arrest and died in depression!

Li Er: Then who will inherit the great cause?

Chu Ze: Li Zhi... But he married one of your concubines as the queen, and finally lost the country!

Li Er: I'm so depressed...


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